Thursday, April 30, 2009

CelebRation day....

for House of 3 & Heidi.

Celebration No. 1. It's Heidi's birthday today...happy happy day, my dear friend! Hope it's wonderfully delicious & you enjoy it! Love you tons & thanks for all your inspiration to me & everyone else! smooch!


Celebration No. 2. The House Adornments are in the store!!!! Yes, I know...a little late, but hey..didn't I mention the double deckers that were piling up?

Fun to have them available in the store ON Heidi's birthday!, in honor of these 2
celebrations, I'm going to give away 3 (our lucky number here at the House of 3) of our NEW House Adornments!

Just tell me HOW you would use it! **and if you DON"T know how you'd use it...tell me that, too! We can help with ideas!
Check out our Create Section for HOW to put up your stickers, ideas & such!
can't wait to hear from you!


  1. well, i guess it would be easier if i told where i DIDN'T want to use these. :) these darling adornments would even make a toilet seat adorable! the possibilities are multitudinous!!!

  2. That lamp is so cute! It'd go in the kitchen, dining room, bedroom or bathroom......or down the hall! Really, there are so many options!

  3. Hmmm, since I am trying to redo my craft room and have some beautiful black & white damask curtains picked out, I believe I would use these fantabulous adornments in my craft room. And since I live in an apartment and am not able to paint my walls, these would definitely add some sparkle to my boring, plain white walls!

  4. I am thrilled to see this in the shoppe...I am going to redecorate my 13 yr old daughters room...she loves pink and these will be perfect for her room. We have Vintage windows, so I am going to put the chandelier wall art on one of those and paint the frame in pink or black..maybe put some damask fabric behind...the possibilities are endless:)

  5. Love all of these first thought is to use them on our mirrors in the bathrooms...just to add some bling..gotta love ladies are awesome!!!!!

  6. I just won a prize on your blog so I'm going to take myself out of the running but just wanted to say I love these.

  7. OMGoodness......they are FANTASTIC!!! I have 2 little girls 15 15 months & 4 months and they share a room and I am going to put the Chandeliers in their room. I also amd going to get the frames and use them in my front hallway as you walk in the door!!
    I can'tr wait to get them!!!
    You have the MOST FABULOUS STUFF!!!

  8. Honestly, there's not much black in our home...more of the neutral shades - greens and browns. But, I have heard that even one black piece in a room can provide an "anchor" for the room...and I think these would be great for that. I would love to add a bit of black around here.
    I really love the idea on the website about putting them on the refrigerator! I think it would make it cheerful to be in the room where I spend so much of the day :o)

  9. the frames..i'd love to use one of those to frame a section of wall i'm going to be painting with whiteboard paint - how fun! and then the other frames can be used to frame in the key hooks at the garage entry to our home. i could also use those to frame art & quotes around our home that i want to highlight...

    and then the lamp will go perfectly at my computer desk. unfortunately, my work space is small because it is nestled at the end of my kitchen counter and flows right into the dining area of our home. the desk is too small to accommodate an actual lamp. the hof3 lamp will help to separate the kitchen and desk area & will give my "little" space just the bling it needs to tie my work area together & make the space it's "own".

    and finally - the daughter is about to turn 13 on the 21st of may & we have been planning on re-doing her room. these will be PERFECT for her new decor. (she'll totally flip out)

  10. Oh my, Oh my! I haven't been this excited since... I don't know WHEN! I am so INTO these! I can't decide which set I'm going to put up in my craft room - chandeliers to match my "Liberace" chandelier lamp (that is really what they call it!) or the frames set. I am just so happy that you are offering these, ladies!

    Did I mention that I would be thrilled to win one? ;)

  11. Happy birthday to Heidi! I'm really excited for these designs- they look really awesome. The first on my list are the frames, and I think I would use one on the bathroom mirror to write notes with a dry erase makrer, and I would use the others in our kitchen to highlight things that make me happy- a recipe, a card I received, or even pictures. I think that would be perfect!

  12. thanks for the birthday wishes my friend!! i am touched by your post... and so happy to receive so many wishes!! thank you sooo much! heidi

  13. Happy Birthday to Heidi!! So exciting and she is back in the states with her family!! What a special birthday!! Ok I am in the process of redoing my scrap room and yes the chandelier would look awesome in my new pink room. Yes my boys hate it and bring their friends over to see it!! Can you believe what my mom did!! hehehe Anyways Black and white are my accent colors and I love love how it was done in the frame with the material in the background!! Would look awesome in front of the material that I have selected for my room!! Hint hint!!

  14. I love these adornments. I would love to put these chandeliers in my daughter's room. They would love them sooo much. You three are so talented. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  15. oh fun
    happy birthday heidi! ( guess i'd better head over and give her a personal greeting)
    we just redid my 12 yearolds room & she'd love some funky wall assessories
    crossing my fingers

  16. Okay, have to have the frames. I have written love notes to my husband for years on the bathroom mirror,(sometimes using soap) voila, now I will have a nice spot just for that! Next, must have chandeliers in just the right spot in the den. The lamp, uhmmm, still looking around for that special place, but I am sure I will find it. Happy Birthday to Heidi!

  17. The jeweled chandelier...It will go on the wall nearest my desk where I am chained to my computer 23 hours a day typing my fingers to the bone. I shall glance at it often during the day and escape to foreign cities. **blows kisses** Deborah

  18. I'm one of those people who could use some "idea" help as far as decorating goes. I love everything you do Rhonna, I would love to use these in my house, just not totally sure where or how.

  19. They are gorgeous! My husband and I are in the process of buying our first house so I can think of a million different things I could do with it since I will have a whole house to decorate! I loved it used on the glass of a picture frame!

  20. I LOVE them all, but I would for sure use the frames in my living room.....Perfect!!! Thanks!

  21. Love these adornments...I've used "Wall Words" which are just word quotes on the back of magazine holders in my studio and sunroom before...great way to keep your bookcases stylish and hoard all my art and decorating magazines. You can see them in my photo albums on my blog. I love how your adornments are more decorative so I'd love one to decorate one of my mirrors that I have in my new foyer or better yet, my dinning room...thanks, Roberta

  22. Oh Rhonna! I can't tell you how completely perfect these designs are for the room I'm redecorating for my neighbor's teenage daughter - it's a french theme, black, white and hot pink! Please, oh please pick me!! She'd be thrilled!

  23. Oh, the possibilities are endless! First off, I would use them behind in a frame in my foyer, which has to be one of my favorite rooms, as small as it is.
    Then, I would use it to adorn an antique window that I will be putting in my girls rooms! And, then, I could even use them on the mirror in my guest bathroom! I'm sure I can come up with more :D

  24. I'm not exactly sure WHERE I would use it but I do know I would because I live in an apartment and I'm not allowed to PAINT the walls! I am constantly looking for ways to jazz up the walls without painting and these are PERFECT! :-)

  25. I want to use the chandelier one and do what Janet did...hmmm which room to go in?!

  26. I love chandeliers, so I am going to say that is what I would pick to go on an antique mirror...I have tons of both in my house, but I am thinking it would be perfect in my bedroom for a little redo! these are all so gorgeous! xo Shannon

  27. Oh my! The ideas are forming....I'd like to use the frame(s) in an old wooden 6-paned window that I have hanging from the ceiling in my craft studio, then put pictures behind it. It divides a cozy lil nook. OR I have a mirror leaning on a wall on top of an old piano bench. The lamp would look lovely on it...looking like it was sitting on the bench.
    These are sooo beautiful you guys!!

  28. I would use these in my daughter's bedroom and in my bathroom. They are beautiful!!

  29. These are so stinkin' cute! I love the frames... I really want to put one on my fridge. I think that would be different and add a little somethin' somethin'.

    How generous of you to give some away! I'd love to win!

  30. I bought mine in the wee hours last night and so excited to get them in! I love the idea of putting one on the wall that my desk faces! At work mind you in my tiny cube! This would definately help perk up my day! good luck to all! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  31. I've always wanted to buy a real chandelier for my daughter's room, but my dh just doesn't get it so it's never happened. So I would absolutely put a chandie in my dd's room which I am about to if only i could decide on the paint color......

  32. Let's see...there are sooo many possiblities in where and how to use these. I would probably use the frames on a picture frame on one of the walls in my kitchen to use as a dry erase board so to speak. The lamp I'd use in my living room because I could use a little bling in there and the chandeliers, in my bedroom where the magic happens;)

  33. Oh wow I have been waiting to see these!
    I have to think very carefully about this, but I am loving the mirror look.

  34. How beautiful! The lamps or chandeliers would go in my daughters rooms. The frames are my favorites though! I have a wall of old family photos. Would love to put a frame in the spot of one photo then put a smaller family photo inside.

  35. I would use them in any room of my house!

  36. Awesome! Love these. I would put the chandeliers in my office at home. I'm the only girl in the house that's a room I can call my own!!

  37. I will admit that I would not know at first how to use it! I have so many ideas flying through my head I can't make up my mind. Oh, these are so beautiful and I would love to win one. There are so many options.

    If I had to guess, I would love to use the Lamp in my living room in the corner where there is only a little table. Yeah, that would be a great place to have a wall art!!!

    Love love love it!!!

  38. i would love to put the frames around our initials and maybe put some favorite quotes inside.

  39. i'm just getting ready to do a big girl for my daughter who is turning 8. I would love to dress up her room with one of your beautiful chandeliers!

  40. WOW!!!!! These are gorgeous!!!! Totally drooling over each one of them! I really would love to have one in my office so I can see it all the time, I would love to stick them on a huge frame, straight onto the glass!

  41. Love these! I would use the chandeliers in my scraproom and my daughter's room. My scraproom, although a work in progress has the whole damask and ornate decor. Eventually, walls will be pink and my decor and furniture are black. So these would be perfect. Frames would go in my scraproom and family wall of pictures.

  42. I would love a mirror with the chair on it. I would love a chandelier in my bathroom since i can't fit a real one. i would love all of them!

  43. I soooooo need something fresh and "girly" for the room my husband is remodeling (guest/scraproom). Living with all males, I would love the opportunity to decorate with whimsy!

  44. I would love to use in the chandliers in my little girls' rooms. I would use the large frame and put a bible verse inside.

  45. Absolutely LOVE these! I'm going to be converting my garage into a scrap room, so I would definitely use these to create an awesome looking space! Just gorgeous!

  46. I have ideas swirling around my head. I would love to put a chandelier in my girly*pink bathroom (so glad hubby didn't mind the pink) and the other I would probably put in my bedroom just cuz! And the lamp, oh geez, I think I need to rearrange and pain in order to find a place for it, but hey, a fresh coat of pain is always good. The frames - oh goodness, I would love to put them on my bathroom mirror in my girly*pink bathroom. How sweet is that? You girls never cease to amaze!

  47. I love all 3 of them. And since I am still living with my parents (I'm 21) I don't want to deal with putting them somewhere and moving them again.

    So, I would probably buy a cute frame, some canvas-covered cardboard that I painted and put it all together, ala Amy's inspiration. That way I could take it with me when I move.

    Also, I think that I would probably make another of the frame things and give it to my s-i-l for my new niece's bedroom.

    ~Meredith F.
    rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

    PS. Last year, when you & Amy teamed up for the Chic Shack, I bought the stickers and did the above-minus the frame. You can check out my post on my blog here:

  48. wow Girls...just too cool for da house, straight to my craft room, would so love them on the walls, particulary the frames

  49. I need to decorate my bedroom and haven't decided what I want to do. Your photos of Paris (along with Sande's) make me think I should do a Paris theme. I've been wanting to go to there for years (maybe next year will be the one) but I could always bring a little of the adornments (lamp, chandelier and damask). I'm loving the blue and white color scheme. They would definitely bring a little touch of France to my bedroom. I need to stop by IKEA to look for that frame too!

  50. I would like to put some "frame loveliness" on my dry-erase board or corkboard in the kitchen, one on my bathroom mirror, the hallway, and one in my art room.

  51. Thank you for sharing, you girls at House are so, so clever and such great artists. I am a mother of two boys and my haven, outlet, go to place is my studio which is a third bedroom and has large double mirrored wardrobes which are crying out for some lovely embellishing. I thought the top of the mirror up near the wall would have a chandellier, and then the frames arranged in a lovely fashion lower down, with favourite photos in them and then the lamp lower down. Who knew all that mirrored wall would become my canvas!!! Giorgina

  52. Thank you for sharing, you girls at House are so, so clever and such great artists. I am a mother of two boys and my haven, outlet, go to place is my studio which is a third bedroom and has large double mirrored wardrobes which are crying out for some lovely embellishing. I thought the top of the mirror up near the wall would have a chandellier, and then the frames arranged in a lovely fashion lower down, with favourite photos in them and then the lamp lower down. Who knew all that mirrored wall would become my canvas!!! Giorgina

  53. Happy Heidi! I would LOVE the chandeliers & lamps & frames to put in my scrap room & daughters' rooms!! What FUN these would be to decorate with! Gosh, then I'd give them to my neices on journals or for their rooms... So many fun things to do with them!

  54. Oh my gosh...I love them! The chandeliere's will go in my living room in an old frame I've redone. I actually have that Ikea frame you all have done over and I'm just torn!

    Thanks for letting me enter!

  55. I love the frames...It will be so much fun to adorn my entire home!

  56. i'd probably use some frames on my white walls to bling them out and maybe some other embelishments on my furtniture - they all loook so beautiful and stylish it's be great fun to play with them.

  57. I'm thinking I'd use one of these on the big expanse of wall in my kitchen that I haven't known what to do with in the 10 years I've been living in my house. Either that or put one on one of the bathroom mirrors. I love that idea!

    All of the designs are beautiful - excellent work, ladies!

  58. Oh, goodness...I almost forgot...

    Happiest birthday wishes to you, Heidi!

    Hope you have the best day ever~

  59. I have a drywall in my lounge which covers a previous entrance way and is begging for some colour and decoration. I painted the drywall section a delicious blue-green colour last night and I think the frames or the chandelier wall art will be the finishing touch it really deserves. Go have a look on my blog at the painted wall :-) Oh, I'll be holding thumbs!!!

  60. I love the idea of putting the frame on a mirror or on the front of your refrigerator. Such a great way to dress up an ordinary appliance!

  61. I would love them to put up in my craft room. The walls are green, not pink, but I think they would look just amazing in there.

  62. My little sister lives in the cutest little house in our home town. She has been trying really hard to decorate it, make it her little dream house, but stay in her very tight budget! So I would give them to her. They are right up her alley (I love them too, but live with too many boys).

  63. Oh-so-yummy!!! I adore the frame menu and think it would be so fun to have some frames in my front room too. I love that they come in multi-packs. :) The chandelier is just gorgeous too - it would look amazing in my bedroom on a newly painted wall. :)

  64. These are SOOO cute! I would probably put them in my daughter's room - she is definitely a girly girl!

  65. I absolutely LOVE these chandeliers!! I would use them on the wall by my dining room table in a frame I have been saving just for something special like this!!

  66. I would use the picture frames in my bedroom which is in need of a makeover! I have a couple of thrifted black frames in there already, so I could totally see these house of 3 beauties on the opposite wall--maybe framing a few paneling nails hung with necklaces and other jewelry? hmm...

  67. We are building a new house and I am finally getting my own studio to play, these would make my room so glamorous....

  68. I would love to use some of these in my both of my girl's rooms. And we're moving soon, so it's a perfect time to redecorate!!

  69. Wow! These designs are gorgeous with that extra pop of bling. Love the idea of using it around a light switch (I thought about using an actual frame but was afraid of the raised design of the frame...problem solved). They'd also make cute designs on the back of shelves.

  70. I am lovin these!!! I would use the chandelier on my wall over an entrance table in the foyer. Love the idea of a cluster of the frames on the wall too. Put them on the glass of a fabulous shadowbox.

  71. i have some monograms on my wall & i totally want to frame one of them w/ these. also the chandelier would be cute for parties in my dining room. really, Really, REALLY fun!

  72. They are fab and just so very funky !! I would put these on our glass shower door (on the outside of course). They would certainly make the bathroom very glam. Talk about showering in style !!!

  73. I'd love to use the frames on the walls of my bedroom and put vintage hooks inside the frame and use it to hang my bags... double purpose, decorative + functional! So excited about the idea already! :-)

  74. OH delicious!! I would use them in my scrap room, daughter's room or my bedroom!!

  75. I think it would be fun to put one of the frames on my bathroom mirror! Way to Fab it up and may make me feel prettier looking at it. =)

  76. i want to put them on my bathroom mirror
