Friday, April 3, 2009


Today is House of 3's Day 3: Easter Scripture Countdown! A full description of the projects & kits for sale are HERE> You can read all about the celebRation & tRadition in our home each year for the week of Easter countdown! I truly LOVE this is so meaningful to our family & brings such a special Spirit in our home!

So, I've had a bunch of emails about the
chalkboard wall I have shown with this project. We painted this small wall with chalkboard paint. It was a very non descript wall...but, it is in a very high traffic area in our home.

We see it right before we leave our home...we see it when we walk into our family room. We see it
all the time.

So, I wanted to make it a FUN wall!
Hence the giant chalkboard!
before & after!~
Now we can draw, leave notes, hang stuff...ahh! I love this little slice o' wall now!
Have a wonderful weekend...I know I will! in town, going to General Conference
together...busy, but so wonderful! I love being 'filled up' inside...I gather such strength each time I come away from these Conferences!
then...I'm off to Paris!
Most likely I will not be blogging until after Paris...

Happy Easter & please, please show me your Easter Countdowns...I'm sure you'll inspire me!

Those that know Paris, please let me know of good spots to shop, see, etc! This is my 3rd time going, but each time I fall in love with a new area of Paris! can still leave comments on this thread for a prezzie from Paris...who knows? I might even pick more than one! *wink*

au revoir!
p.s. Go over & see Janet's NEWS!!!! Congrats, sweets! mmm*wah!


  1. You are so cute and talented! LOVE the chalkboard wall. Wishing you a wonderful and safe trip. I have everything I need, but I would LOVE a House of Three Easter blinkie! **blows kisses** Deborah

  2. You will be missed here in the blog world, but I'm sure you will just have that much more inspiration to share with us all!!

  3. What a great wall! We will look forward to your return! Enjoy the time with our family, then on to Paris! Take lots of pics to share with us! hugs from nancy of Conroe, TX!

  4. OMG that wall is an amazing idea :D
    Hope you have a lovely trip :D

    Julie xx

  5. Way to transform a nothing-wall! Fab!

    Bon Voyage :)

  6. So Creative- Lovin It...thanks for your great ideas. You are very inspirational & Talented!


  7. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog :) Love the chalkboard wall. Have lots of fun in fun :)

  8. I do love the chalkboard idea. My girls would love that. Enjoy Conference weekend. I always look forward to it. It seems like every 6 months I need a little lift and it is always great. Enjoy your trip.

  9. Have fun in Paris. A giveaway gift from Paris is the closest I'll ever get to Paris, I'm thanks for the thoughtful gesture.

  10. Can't wait to stop renting so I can paint a wall with that great paint, very cute.

    Like I mentioned before, I was only there for a day, about 10 years ago, and what I remember most besides the Eiffel tower, was the crepe vendors. Nutella and Bananas, yummm

  11. the best view to the Seine is from the outside patio on the top of the "Institut du Monde Arabe" you will see Notre Dame from another beautiful point of view. And it is free! or just have a coffe at the cafeteria.

    I always go to Le Louvre...and if you check on their web site they have some art classes (any kind) for a few Euros, for kids as well

    La Droguerie, L'artisan parfumeur, Jadis et Gourmand, are some of my favourite stores (papers, buttons, etc the first one, perfumes that you can not find anywhere else, and the best chocolate in town: go for the Venezuelan cocoa ones) all of them have websites.

    You may visit L'Opera de Paris to see the Chagall ceiling painting (but be sure it is open to visit because sometimes it is not...because the artist are practising)

    Boulevard St. Michel has lots of stores and at St. Germain des pres you find all the speciallized "Le vieux Campeur" stores to any sport goods

    Have fun!!!!!!!!

  12. You are sooo creative!! I love the chalkboard wall! I WILL do that one day!! Enjoy your trip and safe travels!!

  13. Awesome wall!!! I am deff going to do that somewhere when I move and can paint! I wanted to say thanks for commenting on my blog, made me feel quite special! I hope you have a blast in Paris!!! Cant wait to hear all about it when you get back!

  14. Dear Rhonna

    First: I love your wall !!!!!! I'm looking now where I can put one (like yours) in my house !!!!!

    Second: Paris, Oh la la c'est toujours magnifique ... I'm sure you'll see a lot of french girls friends of mine throught internet because I belong to a lot of web forum.

    Third: Paris ... I don't remermber where to eat or what to buy or where .. but I'm sure you have to see (if you don't did the others times) Les invalides where napoleon is sleeping for a long long times ... And also you have to visit the Muesée of Quai d'Orsay !!! is the second beautifull museum of the world !!!

    Fourth: Please note in your agenda that you have to come in Madrid to visit the FIRST best museum of the word: The Prado !!!!

    And finally: I make a new banner for my personnal blog using a lot of digital kits yours from Twos Peas (I can't put my identity with this blog because you don't put this possibility) .... My banner is wonderfull with your flowers ... and thank you to share with us your creativity.

    That's all for today. Have a good days in Paris.
    See you soon
    marie-Hélène à Madrid


  15. Dear Rhonna

    First: I love your wall !!!!!! I'm looking now where I can put one (like yours) in my house !!!!!

    Second: Paris, Oh la la c'est toujours magnifique ... I'm sure you'll see a lot of french girls friends of mine throught internet because I belong to a lot of web forum.

    Third: Paris ... I don't remermber where to eat or what to buy or where .. but I'm sure you have to see (if you don't did the others times) Les invalides where napoleon is sleeping for a long long times ... And also you have to visit the Muesée of Quai d'Orsay !!! is the second beautifull museum of the world !!!

    Fourth: Please note in your agenda that you have to come in Madrid to visit the FIRST best museum of the word: The Prado !!!!

    And finally: I make a new banner for my personnal blog using a lot of digital kits yours from Twos Peas (I can't put my identity with this blog because you don't put this possibility) .... My banner is wonderfull with your flowers ... and thank you to share with us your creativity.

    That's all for today. Have a good days in Paris.
    See you soon
    marie-Hélène à Madrid


  16. Dear Rhonna

    First: I love your wall !!!!!! I'm looking now where I can put one (like yours) in my house !!!!!

    Second: Paris, Oh la la c'est toujours magnifique ... I'm sure you'll see a lot of french girls friends of mine throught internet because I belong to a lot of web forum.

    Third: Paris ... I don't remermber where to eat or what to buy or where .. but I'm sure you have to see (if you don't did the others times) Les invalides where napoleon is sleeping for a long long times ... And also you have to visit the Muesée of Quai d'Orsay !!! is the second beautifull museum of the world !!!

    Fourth: Please note in your agenda that you have to come in Madrid to visit the FIRST best museum of the word: The Prado !!!!

    And finally: I make a new banner for my personnal blog using a lot of digital kits yours from Twos Peas (I can't put my identity with this blog because you don't put this possibility) .... My banner is wonderfull with your flowers ... and thank you to share with us your creativity.

    That's all for today. Have a good days in Paris.
    See you soon
    marie-Hélène à Madrid


  17. I have just bought some chalkboard paint and am wondering where to use it.... thanks for the ideas!

  18. Cant wait to see what you get up to in Paris!!!It is Years since I last visit there....
    Fab chalkboard Rhonna..:)♥

  19. Thanks for commenting on my blog Rhonna! have a great trip. I have to add a tip for the blog headers from House of 3. I was going to make my blog title in PS (I can use it a bit, not too great)and somehow ended up making the title in Picasa. It even has an eyedropper so you can match the color and there are so many fonts to choose from. I think if you share this tip on HOT, you will help those who have difficulty with PS.

  20. Hey Rhonna! Welcome back to blogging! I'm so glad you are back. Have a great time in Paris, too! My daughter is looking forward to studying abroad in Paris next year!

    Love your chalkboard wall. What a great idea. No need to worry about where to hang a chalkboard...just paint one! Cool!

  21. Love it! That is such a great idea. :)

  22. Love the chalkboard wall. Have fun in Paris:)

  23. Hope I'm not too late, but my mom and I loved the pastries at Paul in Paris ... those little macarons are TO DIE FOR! My fave museum is the Musée d'Orsay - LOVE. Adored walking around the Montmartre where all the artists are painting in the square. *sigh* I could go on and on!

  24. Awesome, Rhonna! :) Love the wall! :)

  25. That is the coolest! I like that chalkboard. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Your blog is SOOOO inspiring, just as you are!! Miss your fun the 21 day challenge at CE 07...(we were next door ya!!)
    Debbie House

  27. *Deep Sigh* ahhhhhhh Paris in the Spring one can wish right! Have fun sweetie and take lots of pics for all of us to drool over!

    Thanks for the wall idea, I'm moving this summer and just might have to nab this wonderful idea!!!

  28. That chalkboard wall is the best. Had seen them in play rooms but never where they really need to be - maybe a high traffic area in the kitchen? Can't wait to try that. Have a fun and memorable trip -- be safe.

  29. Oh I love Paris...walking along the Seine browsing the magazine and old book sellers. The wonderful bistro's, yummmy. Walking the alley ways, peeking into tiny shops, visiting the museums. Oh la la, c'est la vie!
    Catherine A

  30. THAT is an AWESOME wall!! LOVE your creativity, Rhonna!! How fun. I really like the chair in the background of the wall photo. Would that be inspiration for the house book, by chance? So cute.

    Enjoy your trip to Paris. I'm so jealous. Be sure to take lots of pics!

  31. If I had some info to share with you about Paris I certainly would but for now I live vicariously through you and your eyes! Have a blessed time.

  32. Hi Rhonna. Thans for the April bundle freebie. I have the blog couture on my blog and I love love love it! Have a great time in Paris. I think anything French would be fabulous. Have a great time.

  33. i LOVE the chalkboard wall...........perhaps i can duplicate that........

    enjoy your trip to paris......and loving the House of 3.....and the easter goodness....


  34. Ohh great idea for a wall! Most definately will have to try that! I was wondering about some stuff on House of 3's website! I love the Chandelier Blog Couture, but I don't see a blog header that matches it, am I missing it?! Will you be making one to match it?! I love this one and would love to have it on my blog!

  35. I am going to Paris in May.....first time so excited. I read so many books and blogs that I feel like I have been there

    I love your chalkboard so chic and fun. Have a great trip. Grace

  36. Rhonna, Hi, this is Shelley, Marc Fosse's wife. He showed me your site and I just wanted to tell you how absolutely beautiful it all is. I especially love the how to vids on "House of Three!" Although my craftiness is limited I feel inspired to make my own home a little more lovely when I look at the photos and projects. So, Hi and Wow! Shelley

  37. Checking back - hope you have a wonderful EASTER!

  38. Hope you have a really nice trip to paris, my friend.
    Thinking of you.

    I got a cute little award for you on my blog too.

    Big hugs

  39. I love your chalkboard wall. we have one too but it doesn't look as cool as yours. I am jealous of the Paris trip. looks like you had a good time!

  40. Can't get enough of those GORGEOUS Paris photos :) Inspiration unlimited!!!
