Tuesday, April 28, 2009

double decker....

I feel like one of those Scooby Doo Sandwiches...that gets piled higher & higher. I've got stacks & stacks of
things to do.
Before I know it.

It's Tuesday. ...I totally got lost & sucked up in a time warp. S was home sick yesterday & it all piled up. Has that ever happened to you? the everyday things just seem to pile on...stacking...higher & higher?
I call it a double decker.
....All of a sudden it's Tuesday? And you ask,
"Where did Monday go?"

Yea. That's what happened to me. Only, I don't think it's only 1 double decker at this point. That Scooby Doo sandwich is piled higher & higher.....LOL!

So, I apologize for the wait on the House of 3 Wall Art Give Away...it will be happening...oh. so. soon. I promise!
Look at this!

I love it! That Ikea frame is delightful, but...add a Hof3 Chandelier sticker to it, backed by a fabric dish towel & voila!
sheer delight!
In the meantime, I wanted to share some more of my trip to Paris.
Montmarte was so fun. We found fabric stores with feathers, felt, lace, pom poms, buttons, and some unique & cool ways for storage...more on that later.

Sacre Coeure Basilica was a highlight, too! It was a glorious sunny day & everyone was out on the lawn soaking in the music & sun. We took tons of pictures & met up with this cute little violin playing charmer!

Walking along the Seine as we took pictures the whole way. We planted ourselves on this little plot in the middle of the street & started taking tons of shots of the city streets...cars passing by. It almost got freaky when they got so close. But, I loved some of the shots i got of the cars & Musee d'Orsay
and just enjoyed the streets of Paris in Spring....

**and...to answer your question about what frames/borders I've been using on my photos: either these or these. I love them all.So easy...just drag & drop them onto your photos...
Ok, hang tight...I'll be back soon to announce the launch of our Wall Art!


  1. Hi Rhonna, love your photos. I wanted to purchase one of the frame kits you mentioned but I noticed that they are all square, and your photos look like they are 6x4 rectangle. Can you resize these frames or do you have another set of frames.

  2. No, Giorgi, you can resize them.
    They come in square, but you just drag & drop them onto your photos, then resize them however your photo editing program resizes things.
    I'm in Photoshop, so I just go to:
    EDIT>TRANSFORM>SCALE & then drag the sides to fit the photo.
    super easy!

  3. Amazing photos! So excited about new art line! Can't wait to add some to my craft studio and home!

  4. I am totally living vicariously through photos of your trip and hearing about all the fun you and Sande had. Some day I will visit. But in the meantime, still in love with the wall art. My heart just skipped a beat! ;)

  5. I know how you feel about the sandwich. That is how I feel this week :)

  6. I want to go again, just to take better photos!

  7. Hi Rhonna :) Sorry to hear you've been feeling under the weather. Hope you're back to yourself. Thanks so much for the info about the frames! I love your little red coat you're wearing in those Paris pics too! Cute!

  8. Hi Rhonna, thanks for taking me on a virtual tour of Paris. It was such a delight! Lovin' the new wall art. I loved the chandelier that Janet put in the floating frame and the girls room with the same, just another idea. Thanks for sharing.Waiting patiently for it to pop up in the store.

  9. ooooh eal beauty...beautiful background to Rhonna..TFS:)♥

  10. Hi Rhonna,

    Love your pictures! I own the Canon XSi and it's nice to know that you took those pictures with your canon rebel. Love how you edited the pictures. Is there any way you could take me through your whole editing process and what you used? I just recently started learning how to use photoshop elements 7.

  11. You have a great eye for photography. I really like your style! Great job!

  12. Ahhhh...got my eye candy in before going to work!
    And, Double Decker's always seem to happen on the day that you've planned to get all your stuff done! lol

  13. I cant wait to go to Paris in 2 and a half weeks!! Your pictures make me so excited!!! lots of little tips thank you.

    I have that Black frame from Ikea! I bought it because Heidi "made" me from her blog (doesn't know me) lol So it has been sitting there empty saying "what on earth am I doing with this?" Well blow me over you smart fabulous chickie!!! My CC was stolen so waiting for the replacement this week so I can order chandalier and lamp but hopefully I can win it and put it together before I leave! Whoo Hoo... Thanks for a fabulous Idea. how did you place it on? Hugs Grace XOXOXXO

  14. Oh, your pictures are all SO beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the beauty of Paris in Spring, Rhonna.

  15. You have such an incredible eye for photography! These are AMAZING!
