Tuesday, June 9, 2009

colour my world....

(from shimelle.com)

My fab friend Shimelle has got some crazy fun colour stuff goin' on over at her blog
She's amazing. I just love everything she does. And I was so excited when she told me about this month of colour!
(photo frame: NEW White Rounded Corners Frame Kit from House of 3)
This is my colour contribution photo. I love this photo because....
check out all of Shimelle's goodness...she's a*mazing!

and...check out the new stuff over at House of 3...
damask kit? **white or black PNG files AND an ABR brush file**

white rounded corner frames kit?**white PNG files *AND* ABR brush file**

our Pre-Sale Summer Project Magnet Board Kit!!!! **sooo fun! includes the Jeweled stickers & all the digital/hybrid stuff you need to create along with us when we launch our whole Project on June 15th!!!**

& this cute Countdown Card set!

oooo, lots to be happy about today!
**eta** did you see Heidi's tutorial & post over at Ali Edwards' blog?
it's fab. check it out!


  1. Oh you ladies are SOOoooo talented. LOVE LoVe lOVe all of it!

  2. I can't believe your kit sold out already! Oh yes I can...It's too cute! Are you gong to offer more?
