Tuesday, June 30, 2009

tuesday happenings>>>1,2,3

(photo taken at dear lizzie; hat for sale there!)
1. special day
in our house:::: J's birthday is today. She's growing up so fast, it kind of freaks me out. But, she's so wonderful & I do enjoy seeing her learn, grow & become an amazing person! I love you, Iri!
2. fun stuff over at House of 3's Inspiration House! New printable kit. 6 pages to print out. sparkler tags, bottle wraps, peanut labels...& stuff for this cute garland! love it! AND..steps on the sparklers, garland & even popcorn bags! Go check it out here>>>>and.
3. FAQs. I think it's time to have another one of these. I'll open it up for questions. If you've emailed me some questions lately, sorry I didn't get back to you. I've been swamped & thought it would be good to have the questions here so I can answer them & all can see. no waiting for my email! LOL!
have a fab day..I'm going to play all day with my kids!


  1. Yes! First! Alright first, you are just too darn creative! That july kit is just amazing!
    Secondly my question is: When you post pictures on your blog, you have great framing overlays for them. Are you creating them from scratch, getting them from Hof3, etc? Details! :D Especially the one on "Monday's goodness" post. Thanks!

  2. I really like the first photo, the creation you have made, it is stunning.

  3. Love them! But help! I have the July 4th kit, but do not pDf files or the files as you have mentioned for the projects...is there another?

  4. Hello Rhonna
    I am soo not computer savvy so when it comes to working with PSE AND your brushes on my computer I have trouble opening the PNG files.
    Can you please have another tutorial for the very beginners like me?? I am also a visual learner so pictures will help.
    Thank you soooo very much


  5. Hey Rhonna, I emailed you awhile back about possibly posting a tutorial on using the Birthday Album pages and the Love Album pages...I purchased them, but don't know how to use them (resize the photos to fit, etc...) I would love some help on using those!!

  6. I love your ideas!! I have just one question, is there any way that you could post things sooner for holidays? I have the horrible habit of wanting to get things done early and yet I see these and want to do them as well, but usually don't have time!

  7. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! One moment they are little and getting into everything and we look forward to them getting just a wee bit older so we can reason with them and in a blink they are all grown up.

  8. Your daughter is beautiful! Happy Birthday to her!! I hope your week is wonderful!


  9. Hey Rhonna. This is probably not a question but more like a request. I love how you guys make the printable kits but they always seem to be the big holidays. My request is if you can make a kit for boyfrieds/husbands (I know father's day just passed but I don't have kids yet). Thanks!

  10. How do you flip a brush? Like your botanical swirl brushes, I would like one on one side of my document and then flip it over to go on the other side of the documents. Appreciate any help. Just downloaded 7 of your digi files and having a blast. Plan on using the "July 4" on little bags of cookies to sell at our carnival this weekend (Would that be alright?)It is for a school fundraiser. Love your work!

  11. Question on your pictures that you recently posted with the new 4th kit that include 3 pictures in one frame separated by a fine white line...sorta of a story board look? Do you create these yourself? Thanks!!!

  12. Okay I see some requests and this date is far off, but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a fun St Patrick's printable kit like this 4th one. It would be SO AWESOME!
    Okay here is a real question- on these printable items, is it best to print them at home or where would you suggest having them printed? Thanks!
