Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday goodness....

LOVE this quote from Compendium's site:
"Every day is my best day; I'm not going to have this moment again." Bernie Siegel
fabulous way to start your week, don't you think?

Hope everyone had an amazing Father's Day & you were able to create something unique & wonderful with this!

I feel so blessed to have a father, father in law & a*mazing husband who all are WONDERFUL FATHERS!!!! Love them all! Fun to express it & reflect on the blessings of fathers!

And, thanks for all of the great comments over on the House of 3 Inspiration House blog!
The Giveaway was fun & congrats to the winners!
Lots of super creative magnet boards & creativity went on all week long. I loved seeing them...keep the emails coming...we LOVE to see your creations!

Last week, I was kind of MIA due to this..... sisters came up from AZ with their kiddos (11 in all) & we had a fabulously FUN, CRAZY, SUPER time! I just love being with my mom & sisters...we laugh, enjoy each other & I feel so inspired & lifted up when I'm with them! Thanks! I love you guys!We have this fantastically charming house near us & every time we drive by I say, "We should just stop by, knock on their door & ask them if we can take pictures!"

I finally did it.

The owner was so gracious, so kind & told us to enjoy taking pictures. HOW NICE!!!! I love nice people! *wink*, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly...posing, laughing & just enjoying the time together as family!

Starting a new week...
new projects, new stuff...
stay tuned...


  1. You may have answered this before but what type of camera do you use?? Also, I love the blue bike pictured in the last page :) V. cute pictures!

  2. The pictures are just beautiful!! Isn't it nice when something just goes your way?

    Can't wait to see the new stuff!! I'm always SO excited to see what you've come up with next!

  3. amy was telling me about that place. how fun!! and that school bus rocks!

  4. jennifer. thanks! i just use a canon xt rebel. old, i want another one. but i can't justify buying the one i want. yet.
