Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Junk Drawer Magnet Tuesday>>>No. 6

DIY Summer Series No. 6 :: magnets.
junk drawer magnets, that is!
Check out our House of 3 Summer Project Tuesday:: step by steps of making your own Junk Drawer Magnets for your Hof3 Magnet Board Project!

And, here are some more ideas, too! I got all excited & created my own magnets from old flowers, birds & jewelry to put on my own magnet inspiration board in my studio.

Above:: you can see the magnet I made------> just hot glued a bunch of flowers & leaves together, added the magnet & then stuck that cute bird on it! voila! totally me!

Below:: Took an old flower jewel, glued it onto a magnet & then swiped this cute bird off of an old necklace....sudden *bling* & fun magnet on my inspiration board!
Can't wait to see your projects! Enjoy the pRocess!


  1. this is so lovely! that gilt frame is beautiful, and the bird charm! sweet!

  2. You have the most beautiful creations! I love them all! I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for having House of 3! I've been using your blog backgrounds for a while and the latest one really matches my creative style including a new banner I made to match.
    Hope you can stop by to see!

  3. aw, thanks you guys! you're awesome!

  4. Love your junk drawer magnets and the Dad Book project! The quotes are what i enjoy the most--some bring tears to my eyes and some make me smile or giggle. Thanks for all you do...wish i knew more about computer scrapping.
    Our 25th Wedding Anniversary is this month...got any good ideas? :)
