Monday, August 31, 2009

winner, halloween & bloggled

Happy Monday!
And...happy winning, Susan (Le Petit Poulet)! It looks like the Random number generator liked you today! You are the winner of Pipsqueak Couture's fab tree dress! lucky girl! Email me your info & we'll get you hooked up!
Halloween's coming!!!!! **today is Aug. know what that means...Oct. 31st is just around the corner!

I get goosebumps just looking at these
NEW Haunted House kits over at House of 3!!!! I'm seriously giddy to start decorating for of my FAVE holidays to decorate, create & let my imagination out to play! Every day this week, we'll be highlighting one of the new kits & giving some tricks & treats! Today, it's the Hof3 Haunted Dingbats! Go check it out here!
& check this out!

It's called Bloggled & it's a new back up system for Blogspot/Blogger & Twitter. I love it! About 3 years ago I had to take down my other blog:
Dreamy. This was where I started the 21 many participated in & I had NO way of backing any of that info up, so I LOST all of my posts, photos, links~ everything. I STILL wish I had all of that info, but, alas....I didn't back up my blog.
Now, I can!!!! I'm so excited! It's basically a subscription based program that will back up your blog AND has printing options~blog to book! love this!
So, I've got a 20% off lifetime subscription code for all my bloggers: RHONNADESIGNS is the code! go sign up for the 30 day free trial & then when it's over, the 20% code will kick in! Sooo excited to have this...only wish I had it several years ago!

ok...happy monday & see you tomorrow!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Today's Creativity Exercise::
Draw or doodle with a pen & paper. anything.

This was my result with Moomah! Try it for a cReative boost!
I only had 5 minutes to do one of my cReativity Exercises today...& this was sooo fun. I'm a little overwhelmed at everything i have to do today, but I know I can do it now. I'm going to
enjoy the pRocess!
How about you?'

Happy weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pipsqueak Give*away!

Let me introduce you to Shannon of Pipsqueak Couture! She has this fab blog along with her Etsy shop & boutique in Colorado. I *love* her stuff!

As many of you know, House of 3 offers several different licenses for our digital kits! The
Limited Commercial License is perfect for those creative entrepeneurs who, like Shannon, have found their niche & want a certain look to add to their products.

I love this headband. & I got this onesie for a friend of mine...darling! & how about this cute little thing? recognize the designs? Everything Shannon does is just fabulous. When I ordered the onesie she packaged it so lovely with a gorgeous ribbon & sucker! I mean..I'm a sucker (no pun intended) for fabulous, thoughtful packaging. She's amazing!
she's about to launch new designs...using some of my House of 3 graphics! woohoo!
check this out!
These are new dresses using my tree designs & the Hof3 damask! And the tree is all embellished with Swarovski delish? $50 retail,

How would you like to win it? She's generously offering this give*away!!!!!!
(Offered in Sizes ranging from a baby version to toddler versions up to a size 6.)

Run on over to her blog & store...Leave a comment here & I'll be picking a winner on Sat. Aug. 28!
Enjoy perusing her amazing stuff! Thanks, Shannon!

and...other good stuff:
  • Spark registration is so exciting! We are so pumped to meet you! If you haven't gone over to it! You won't regret's going to be amazing!
  • Photographers....check out the *new* blog post over at Think Big Art!!!! This week Tyler's got 3 Steps to Social Media Success. A*mazing!!! I am loving this learning process in marketing. I'm learning so much about social media...we have so much to tap in to!

Monday, August 24, 2009

3 good things: Spark Registration is open, winners & new kits!!!

Today is the day....Registration is OPEN & the first 50 people to sign up get $50 off!

Be sure to check out all of the info there...tells you everything you need to know!

(brushes: House of 3 Vitamin B kits)
...for the Shutterfly books are...





be sure to email me & I'll send you the info!!

and...introducing deelish new kits over at House of 3!!!! BOY ones!!! Yes! I love them!
They are called Vitamin B & there are borders, brushes (both of which I used above on the winners graphic), colored digital files & colored PDF printables! along with the cool add-on kit to Hof3 French Oo Oo La la...vintage tickets!

happy Monday!


Sunday, August 23, 2009


Tomorrow Spark registration is opening.... are you ready?? Opens at 10:00 a.m. Utah time. - $50 off for first 50 :)

soooo excited!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

psst...calling all photographers>>>>>

and artists.
and designers.
and anyone creative who is learning the ins & outs of marketing themselves online. I wanted to share this with you.

It's called Over[Exposure].

It's a very cool photography marketing system ...a step-by-step system to teach you how to get massive exposure on the web and grow your photography business in any economy. Tyler Garns teaches you how to market & sell your work online.

Check out the Think Big Art blog.

Most artists will never make real money until they realize that they must be a MARKETER first and an ARTIST second.

An artist by definition creates art. That’s it. Art does not sell itself.

A marketer can take that art and tell its story to the right audience in such an effective way that the audience comes clamoring to buy.

Ka*pow. That hit me hard. So true. So true.

I'm not a professional photographer, but the concepts I've read over there flow over to my work as a graphic artist. So, it intrigues me & makes me want to read more. learn more.

I love this post about the changes in photography & keeping up with the evolution of change & Photoshop!

Or this post about capturing the photography AND in marketing.

I love the way he writes. He's got talent...both as a photographer ( I mean, hey...look who his dad is!
) and as a marketer!

And..I believe in his marketing strategies, knowledge & expertise. After all...Tyler is my cousin. Jerry Garns is my uncle.

Over[Exposure] launches on Sept. 14 & you can get on the early bird list here to sign up. They'll send you great business and marketing tips every few days.

I know I can always learn new stuff about doesn't come naturally to me, so...bring on the help, Tyler! Thanks! I can't wait!

**another GREAT day...celebration time!

Today is another great day....for 3 reasons.
(collage frame: House of 3)
No. 1: dad's birthday. I love this man. He's kind, funny, smart, & has set such an incredible example to me & my 5 siblings...not to mention his 27 grandchildren. Thanks, dad, for being the kind of dad that uplifts & inspires me...continually! I love you!

(photo by Terra)
No. 2:
My good friend, Layle is celebrating a birthday, too! She's amazingly talented, fun to be around & just knocks your sox off with her style! love ya, girl!

No. 3:
I love summer. I love being with my kids. But, by the end of summer vacation...we are ALL ready to kick into high gear again. Welcome School! Good bye Summer...see you next year!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let me Spark your interest.....

I'm so excited to share this with you!
Introducing....a creative journey event like none other. Spark {the Event} will be held on November 6 & 7th at Salt Lake City's amazing This is the Place Villiage.

Margie, Liz, Jefra & I have been working hard to bring the kind of creative event that will
Spark your creative soul.

So? What is Spark?

I love what Margie wrote:
Spark is a creative journey...Spark is a creative lifestyle...Spark is about being a creative woman. Spark is about being inspired by other creative women...Spark is about sharing creative ideas...Spark goes way beyond paper and glue...Spark is getting in touch with your creative spirit...Spark is going to be amazing...

For all the FAQs, look here.

The Backstory:
Have you ever had that immense creative SPARK when you are with your creative friends? The kind of spark that ignites, inspires & makes you want to create right. then. and. there? When you talk about creative things & you get goose bumps?

That was Margie, Liz & I as we met at one of our favorite local bistros for lunch: Dear Lizzie. The boutique & bistro are just filled with inspiration & creativity. We sat there, as friends, talking about how we love to surround ourselves with people that are filled with positive energy. Other women who 'get it'....& how much it inspire & uplifts us to create alongside those women.

The sparks flew. The ideas were sparked. And there were goosebumps as we talked about an event that went past paper & glue. That got to the heart of what every creative women loves: capturing.
all in our individual ways.

We invited the amazing
Jefra Linn to this journey as well. (I've learned so much from her & the way she sees things creatively! If you'll remember, she & Nichole V. took our House of 3 photos/vidoe for our website..they are both amazing artists!)

Since we all live in Utah it's been an amazing journey to get together & plan this type of event for those creative women who want to share, get in touch with their creative spirits & connect. This event was planned as a small, intimate gathering of 15o people. We really want to connect & share with each other. You know when you go to an event & it's so huge you never even get to talk to the other amazing attendees? At
Spark we'll be able to get to know each other on a very close level.
And...we are soooo excited to have another Utah local...our keynote speaker, Cassandra Barney!
I absolutely *love* her artistic work, her witty sense of humor & her deep, rich way of thinking, expressing & writing on her blog!

We have so many amazing people here in Utah & hope to share these amazing talents & creative souls!

Lots of things planned. It's not your typical event. We'll have music, food, dancing, sharing, teaching, laughing, creating, & learning...but NOT in your typical way!
lots of surprises are up our sleeves...
I mean.. have you ever been on the
Spark Train? getting energized? yea...we'll be takin' a train ride @ This is the Place....woot woot!

So, if you are looking for a 2 day get*away to share, learn, love &
spark your creativity...this is for you.

Registration opens Aug. 24th.
Locals, you can go home & sleep in your own beds after the party on Friday & come back on Sat. morning! Utah guests, we'll have hotel information at the Marriott that is close to the venue!

We can't wait to connect with you &
Spark our creative spirits together!

Follow us on Twitter. Join us on Facebook!
come & feel the spark!

Monday, August 17, 2009

winner and ANOTHER giveaway!

Dana, congrats! You are the winner!
Email me your addy & info so All Modern can send you this fab pillow! woohoo!

as for another giveaway....have you seen Shutterfly's new photo book covers & soft cover books? um. how cool is this?
In addition to the existing hardcover photo books, they are now offering the following:

*New 7x9 photo books with personalized covers, starting at $15.99.
These are great for people who like to make 8x11 books but want a smaller, more affordable option to use for gifts.

*Soft photo covers on the existing 5x7 and 8x8 photo books, starting at $12.99 and $19.99 respectively.

*Hard photo covers for the 8x11 books.

Isn't this great?
I'm giving away 1 of each size:
5x7 soft cover~
7x9 soft cover~
8x8 soft cover~
8x11 hard cover~

Giveaway will close on Saturday, the 22nd!
good luck!
enjoy your day!

**eta: in case you've never done a Shutterfly book, Check out this simple video tutorial HERE.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

dear readers,

In the recent Aug/Sept. issue of Better Homes & Gardens' Scrapbooks, Etc.
your votes for your favorite products were announced.
All I can say is,
thank you.
from the bottom of my heart.
you made my day.


Monday, August 10, 2009

today's a gooooood day!

3 of my fave people are celebrating birthdays...

pop on over & wish Sande a big HB!...she's my isanely creative, talented, fabulous, artistic soul sister. love you, S!

& my favorite Sol 9 years old today! baby...9! he's the sunshine in our lives. hence, the name. Sol. Spanish for the sun. He's a light. Ever since he was born I could feel his happiness radiate. Doesn't this picture just show it all? Love him. Love what he's brought to my life & our family.
&...the 3rd~ my nephew. The cutie patootie is 2!!! *photo by the amazing Cherie!
He's darling...looks a lot my like dad & it's so fun to see him grown up. He adds a lot to our family & we are so thankful for him!
enjoy your own celebrations today!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

All Modern Give*away!!!!

Can you just eat up this pillow? I LOVE it! & it can be yours! Just tell me why YOU want to win & I'll have the good people at All Modern send it to you!

In case you are not familiar with them:
All Modern has a fantastic selection of modern furniture and home accessories from many leading designers. Part of CSN Stores, All Modern is just one of over 260 retail sites that offer a diverse array of products from office furniture by Herman Miller to wall sconces by Murray Feiss.

I can't decide between this chair or this chair..but, come shipping? for this chair? love it! about these tea towels? Oh my! 1 of each, please!
and this, pretty please? with a cherry on top?
ok. ok. e*nuff! no more enabling...i promise!
enjoy your process today!
P.s. give*away will close on Sunday, Aug. 16th. Winner will be annouced Aug. 17th!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

DIY pRoject No. 8>>>

Ok, so Summer is almost over & lest you thought I'd forgotten about the DIY Summer Series Project, I thought it was time to get some pix of what I've been up to.

My sister & I were totally inspired by Orange Poppy's Etsy shoppe filled with delicious ruffle necklaces. You know when you have jewelry that you LOVE but you lose a piece, or part of it gets broken? Well, when we saw Rebekah's ingenius way of using jewelry...we had to try it! fun to use House of 3 digital papers printed out on fabric for the ruffle? Yea...check this out!
The above fabric piece is the Damask Brushes created as a pattern, then printed out on the fabric piece & made into the necklace.
I sewed vintage glass buttons onto the digital printed fabric, created the necklace & voila! A
DIY Summer Series Project! ...didn't buy anything new...used everything in my studio. **3:30 a.m. made for quite the fun project!**

Supplies Needed:
House of 3 Digital Kits **I used French Oo La La Papers here.
Inkjet Printable Fabric Paper
Necklace clasps, chain, findings. **use old necklaces**
Needle Nose Pliers/snips
Jewelry pieces to embellish **here, I used a French Pin I got in Paris**
1. Open up French Oo La La paper. Print on printable fabric.
2. Cut a long strip of the fabric, fold over & press.
3. Sew a 1/3" sleeve for the wire.
4. Insert wire, gather & finish off ends of wire with a wrapped loop on the ends.
5. Add jump rings, jewelry pieces & the necklace chain.
Voila! You're so chic!
Love these! Look how cute my sister looks in it with this tee shirt. LOVE!

We seriously stayed up past 3:30 a.m. creating. crafting. gettin' our creative sparks! I LOVE that! We made 6 DIY necklaces...thank you, Rebekah...for the sheer inspiration. I adore this one...bought it & can't wait to wear it! Go check out her will NOT be disappointed!

&...some weekend stuff:
1. happy Friday...New House of 3 Twitter backgrounds...for a rad price!
But, just cuz we love's a FREE background...going to change mine now! come & follow me on Twitter...**when it's back up I'll link**

2. Congrats to Janet & family....& the winner of the Baby Kit is: OurStory! email me, ok?

3. see what I'm up to with this, too! *wink*

4. Come back on Sunday to enter in a FAB give*away!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 things....

all very cool.
1. Janet
did a fabulous House of 3 project on Ali's blog. **love her images**
Check it out.
2. New Baby's First Year! Love this printable kit!
3. Janet's about to have her baby...tomorrow morning to be exact! honor of Janet's new baby arrival...let's have a give away!
who wants a free Baby's First year kit?
share the love....

Monday, August 3, 2009

& here's to you, Mrs. Stringham....

on Friday Sande had Layle, Allison, & I **we missed you, Loni!** over for a good bye party for our fabulously delish friend, Mrs. Stringham.
We ate.

caught up.


laughed. and laughed. and laughed.

Terra was so fab...totally fun to meet her & she caught such fun, memorable shots of us. Jessi was always behind the camera when we got together, so we don't have pix of us all. This was truly a treat. Thanks, Terra & Sande, for making it possible!
I just love these girls. women. soul sisters. They are all so inspiring to me: they help me want to be my best. love you all!

I have to admit, I got a little misty eyed watching this video....we have so much fun together & you will be missed, Jessi.
We love you!