Tuesday, December 22, 2009

DIY Christmas No. 7 :: Yudu scReen pRinting

I love the do-it-yourself possibilities with the Yudu screen printer. Seriously, this machine rocks! I'm addicted! So many fun ideas swirling around in my head.

So, in our family, we draw names & then create handmade gifts with love. Yudu will be a part of each person's gift this year! *wink*
DIY gift idea: skirt, shirt, bag, anything!
Yudu supplies: machine, screen, emulsion film
packing tape
design on a transparency
ink ( i chose the metallic silver ink...just the right amount of *sparkle*)

(you can jump on Yudu & see the video tutorials to get you started!)
Here are cell phone tweets, but you get the picture of the process.

1. Printed out my swirls as the design on a transparency. Burned the image in the screen.

2.Printed right on the black skirt with the metallic silver ink....mmm..it's so pretty & festive!

3.Continue steps until you have the desired design. Let dry....

4.It's drying on that dress form as I type. BUT...I have an idea to add the Spark inspired folded fabric flowers to this skirt...Sande & I were giddy at Kelly's class talking about combining the Yudu and the fabric flowers....I'll take a pic when done!
see u soon!


  1. LOVE it! OK, I've been wanting a Yudu and this and the projects Heidi has done are pushing me over the edge! looks like I need to get myself a gift while it's on sale at Mike's right now! hugs!!

  2. Love the pattern you used! You're really making me want one of these!

  3. your blog makes me happy, just wanted to say

  4. I keep thinking I need a yudu when my screenprinter takes too long....I love this skirt....oh how I wish I was neighbors with you Rhonna! You are too creative for words...seriously I love everything you post! xoxox Shannon

  5. I love the skirt! Where did you get that?

  6. OMGoodness!!! I NEED a Yudu, now! Love this gift idea, Rhonna!

  7. Love the skirt Rhonna!

    I've had my YuDu for about a year now and I totally love it. I've screen printed on so many different types of surfaces...so fun!!

  8. I love the skirt!
    We have been printing with our Yudu for about 3 weeks and we are loving the ability to personalize paper, t shirts and after seeing your post I think we will have to add a skirt!
    Our family has always had drawings and designs we would like to show off and the Yudu let's us do so.
    What type of fabric was your skirt?

    Thanks for sharing your project.
