Monday, December 21, 2009

holiday inspiRations....

With only 4 days to Christmas, I'm enjoying the time to get ready.

(image credit: Kollaj.)

No. 1:
holiday inspiration.....check.
I *heart* anything Traci Bautista does & she's been doing a whole bunch of Holiday Inspirations! Check out Day 18! *wink* Thanks, Traci!

No. 2:
. check.
I'm loving the colors I've been seeing lately. I've been dreaming of a bright Christmas & that's just what we've got here at our house! And...loving, loving LOVING that Pantone's named Turquoise as the Color of 2010! mmm....i seriously love this color!

No. 3:
Gift wrapping. check.
I'm loving the
Silhouette & House of 3 art to make my own gift tags...
manila tags+doilies+metal rimmed tags. mmm!
(& did you see Heidi's card? so fab! that Silhouette is to die for!)
I haven't taken pix of our wrapping yet...but, oh my. I'm loving the colors!

DIY Gifts. check.
I grabbed a bunch of these big jars at Ikea & have been cutting out BIG vinyl numbers... *according to how many people in their families...just for fun.* I'm putting them on their jars & plan on filling them with goodies. orange slices. popcorn. cookies. all sorts of yummies.
Ok...we have a little Spark surprise for you....get ready...set....


  1. Oooh!
    I NEED those jars! Too cute!

    Thanks for visiting my blog tonight. I am totally swooning over your comment (and Heidi's!)!

    I feel like such a nerd, and ya'll are design goddesses! Thank you for making my night!

    And, as always, I adore the House of 3 style! :)

  2. Spark surprise????? I love all the inspiration! I just finished my homemade presents and need to get them in the mail asap! Love the jar idea with the are so inspiring!
    Your Spark sista!

  3. YOU ROCK mamacita!! thanks for the shout out. all of it! :) hugs and happy holidays to you and yours!xo

  4. You're posts always make me want to do something crafty! I love turquoise too...the color just plain makes me happy!

  5. ooh la la!! I love all these ideas! The jars are my fave! What a great idea! And... so excited for the Spark surprise... hoping I can make it this next year!!

  6. I am very excited about turquoise being the color of the year next year. It is such a happy yet peaceful color!
