Monday, December 28, 2009

simply *magical*!

I hope everyone had a *magical* Christmas. We did!

And....wanted to share a couple of things making me giddy today!
No. 1}

|SPARK| from Jmills ENT. Jeremy Miller on Vimeo.

Jeremy Mills is the master behind this incredibly artistic cinematography. I love the colors. So Spark! I love the music. Butterfly Nets by Bishop Allen. I love the dancing sunlight. *& how he put it to music as it shines down the staircase. I love the little floating magical specks at the the sunglow. I love seeing my Spark sisters give me the magical chills all over again....makes me want to create.



No. 2}
House of 3 50% off all Christmas goodies until midnight of 01.01.10. ** and a Special Edition Bundle kit of Christmas goodies, too! Here!**

That number has a ring to it, doesn't it! I love it! Love the New Year...I love a fresh slate. I love that we are in double!
twenty ten. so excited!

No. 3}
fab stuff up our sleeve over at House of 3....had a great meeting this stuff! I'm seriously giddy over the Valentine stuff that's been sparked in my head...can't create fast enough! *wink*


  1. Such a great video presentation!!!! Loved everything about it!

  2. love!
    wonderfully put together video...very inspiring & full of simple happiness ~
    looks like it captured just what you wanted...

  3. What a beautiful video!!! You better do this again in 2010 so I can go! xoxo

  4. what an awesome... AWESOME vid!
    It makes me happy.. totally happy!!
