Tuesday, December 15, 2009

DIY Christmas No. 4 :: Christmas Wreath & Lollies

Ever since Spark, I haven't been able to get enough of the paper rosettes we made for the decorations....and, as we'd hoped: Spark inspired me beyond the event!

It spilled into my Christmas creating & decorating, too!
big, medium, small & even mini!
Super easy to make....here we go>

paper (wrapping paper, newspaper, book pages, patterned paper...anything!)
coffee filters
bone folder
hot glue

Coffee Filter Flowers:
1. You'll need about 8-10 coffee filters
2. Fold each one as shown in #2.
3. Hot glue them onto the doilies until you get a good lookin' flower!

Paper Rosette:
1. Cut 3 strips of desired paper in any size you want. (here, I've got my fave striped wrapping paper.)
2. Fold 3 sheets accordion style lengthwise at about 3/4" intervals.
3. Fold in half & hot glue together like above.
4. Repeat with all 3 accordions & connect all together forming your circle as above.
5. Add your center coffee filter flower.

1. I took a foam form wreath with feathers, & pinned the Rosette onto the front like this.

2. Add ribbon on top to hang.
3. Print out a House of 3 banner & hot glue onto front!Other ideas:
You can do the same thing & add the 'lollies' to wooden dowels.
Add ribbon like a big lollie pop!
**and check out the Inspiration House blog to see how I used the Silhouette to cut out the 'joy' in vinyl! And another giveaway today!*wink*

For mini rosettes, you can create little ornaments. Our tree is filled with these little guys! I love them!And yet another idea:
Add to your decor! Here, I created a folded fabric flower, added it to a small rosette & stuck it in a vintage flower frog!

& check out the House of 3 Printable 2" Christmas tags...printed these little puppies out & am using them all over. LOVE!

Swag them. Hang them. use them as gift tags....the sky's the limit!
enjoy your holiday season creating your own little wreaths & lollies!


  1. This is a great tutorial! Love the ones done with text paper...

  2. I love all of your decorations! It looks like a true Christmas wonderland! :-)

  3. did you hear my squeal of delight? so wonderful!

  4. you are so busted. i love this.

  5. Rhonna- I LOVED your projects! :) AWESOME! :)
