Monday, December 14, 2009

DIY Christmas No. 2 :: Snow Scene Jar Tutorial

I seriously LOVE snow scenes! And they are so easy & fun to make...then, create a little snowscape in your house!

How-to Tutorial>>

Mason Jars & lids (varying sizes)
spray paint (I chose a light aqua)
fake snow & glitter
little treasures to fill the jars (here, I've got bottle brush trees , silver trees & reindeer)
House of 3 Christmas messages printed & cut out
1. Gather supplies. Spray paint the lids & tops of your bottles.

2. Fill jar with just a bit of snow & glitter. (on some bottles I even sprayed adhesive inside & then shook glitter inside for a little shimmer. *photos didn't turn out*)
My sweet friend, Megan, sent me this link on adding water/glycerin! cool!**ETA: Thank, Nicole!

3. Right ON the jar lid, hot glue your treasures. Kate asked HOW I got the reindeer and trees to stand up & put that much snow in there??
welll.....the trick is these little clear pebbles.
I just hot glued as many as I needed to create the height I needed....& as you can see...This particular reindeer still has the cupcake pick on it, so I just glued it on the lid. (I simply cut off the pick on the reindeer I wanted to stand up at ground level as shown here by these cute houses.)

4. After you've got your little treasures glued onto the lid, put the lid together & turn upside down....& screw the lid on. Turn back upside down, shake the snow & glitter around & you've got your snowscape!
You can add anything inside! Here, I've printed out House of 3 tags &
hung it from the top of the jar so it is hanging above the little white bottle brush trees!
This one is filled with a white bird & silver tinsel trees...along with a vintage text flower & leaves i glued on wire so it would stand up behind the's
Line up your snow scene jars to create a little winter wonderland. I doubled some of the jars to add varying height.

you don't have to do them in jars...what about inside a glass? or vase? like these? mmmm! so many possibilities!

Tie with tulle, add the House of 3 message in the back so you can see & then just fill the glass or vase with the snow, glitter & any goodies!

Isn't that fun & easy? Love it!, this whole week...jump on over to the Inspiration House blog to see a whole slew of great Silhouette ideas & inspiration.....AND
daily giveaways! Today we are giving away a HUGE prize package! Go on over & let us know what YOU want for Chrismtas!


  1. LOVE it! Thanks for sharing how to make our own! Where do I find one of those cute paper houses? Such a fun craft I could do with my kids during Christmas break :)

  2. So cute, Rhonna. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh wow, Rhonna! How fab are these?! The bird jar is my favorite!

  4. Oooooo what a lovely idea :D I love the glass the best I think :D
    Julie xx

  5. I love this!! Oh how I wish I could come and see all the decor in person!!! Do have kits for these by chance? :)

  6. This is a fabulous idea! I love your house and jars...beautiful!

  7. i total love the bottled up message/theme...thanks for sharing

  8. Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Can't wait to start playing! Thank you for the great tutorial.

  9. Rhonna, I'm the one who has that blog ( with the glycerin tip! Anyway, these are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! You are so talented!

  10. Nicole...that is so cool! LOVE your tutorial! thanks so much!

  11. I'm just sick - between these and your most amazing houses you made - your just amazing! They are stunning! Wish I could come live in your home for the holidays! :) Hugs!

  12. OMG...those houses and bottled decorations are so stunning, so awesome, I don't even know what to say!!! LOVE all the glitter!! Looks like you guys had so much fun. The photography of the houses is great too!

  13. Hi there.

    I just found jour blog and I love it!!

    Merry christmas!!

  14. Gorgeous! This post gives me so much inspiration to surround my family with beauty. Merry Christmas!
