Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Getting my cRaft on....

I've been totally creating lately...between Soul Restoration 2 & She has 3 Hearts online workshops..I've been feeling sooo creative! I'm LOVING it! Of course, when I do these classes, I always have my 100 cReativity Exercises in mind....& the cReative juices just flow...
I just let loose...& I"m loving what's coming pressure. no deadlines. just pure magical FUN!
Here's a little sneaky peeky of my cover for my aRt, I"m starting week 2 of SR2 & I'm sooo excited. Already so pumped about the stuff I"m learning in this course...It just all goes hand in hand in everything I love: The 21 Challenge; The 6 week shape up....& bringing it in with all of the art journaling I'm doing in these classes just makes it FUN! inspiring. uplifting!!!! I love it!

I am finding it more & more important to take the time to be cReative with no strings attached...just to play. just to explore. just to discover. I seriously thrive on the 100 cReativity Exercises...they open up my senses...all of them. They help me think more cReatively in every aspect of my life...not just my aRt! And THAT is why I love that it's become a habit....It makes it more fun to get my cRaft on. 
Happy Wednesday...& something that will uplift & inspiRe YOU!

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