Thursday, June 2, 2011

inspiRation: fitness

Yea...this is my 
No. 1 reason 
WHY I'm training for a marathon.  I've had so many questions about it...I thought I'd address it here on my blog.

Q: WHEN are you doing your marathon?

A: J & I registered for the Sept. 17th Top Of Utah, I'm on an 18 week training program.

Q: HOW are you training?

A: I found this training program that worked with my levels of running & looked do-able....Hal Higdon is trusted & I was comfortable with this training...BUT>..I had to switch around the days & how I cross trained, rested & had my long runs on the days that work with my schedule.  I'm on week 3 & so far it's working great for me. I do strength each day except rest days...because I'm trying to get my strength back up after being sick for so long...I was sooo out of shape. But...this is SO true for me right now.

I'm getting stronger & feeling sooo much better.

Q: How do you have time? Doesn't it eat up a lot of your schedule?

A: Well...I'm having to MAKE time.  Yes, it is & will take up time in my schedule...but, with the way things are in my life right now...NOW was better than later, I"m sure. It will NEVER be easy. convenient. But, I want to do it.

Q: Do you feel any different?

A: I had to giggle at this one. Even into week 3, the answer is YES!  I'm feeling more FIT. more VIGOROUS. & I'm starting to SHINE like the old Rhonna. I am getting STRONGer! It feels great.
...doesn't mean it's easy. or going to be easy....but, I"m committed. I'm determined. I'm doing it.

Source: via Rhonna on Pinterest

Q: or 'comment'...You must be a twig exercising so much & not being able to eat sugar, wheat, bread, pasta...all the good stuff.

A: Again...I giggled at this one...
NO. I LOL at this one!  
My answer is: 
I"m not a twig. 
With my sickness & my whole body being out of metabolism is sooooo wonky.  I haven't lost many pounds.  Can you believe it? oy! At first I was getting frustrated. (I put on a good 12-15 lbs. & on normal sized people that looks like 20-30 lbs.)  But, then, I realized....I'm not doing this to get skinny. I"m doing it to get strong. I know my body can be strong again....but, it will take time.  I have to be patient!

Q: So, how are you doing it?

A: I have to stay motivated & find my strong! So, these things are helping:

1. Logging my miles & workouts on Daily Mile.  I love that I can log in & share w/ others.

2. A helpful FREE app called: RunKeeper. It is a keeper, that's for sure! It works with your phone's GPS & allows you to be coached, or on your own. It tracks & tells you how far you are going, how fast you are going & how many calories you are burning. You can also listen to your playlist or other music. (see below) It's fab!

3. Motivating Music: I HAVE to run with's not fun for me to hear me breathing hard & my feet hitting the trail. (albeit, some runners love that!) So, I've got a playlist that is MY kind of MOTIVATING music. It gets me pumped up! And..I have also found that I LOVE listening to my Pandora Radio while I'm running, too!

4. Stay visually & mentally focused. My Running Inspiration Pinterest board helps me with that! I love the quotes & pictures that get me focused....I'm always looking for inspiration to pin on my board, so if you come across any....send them my way! You can never have too much inspiration.

Q: What are you eating?

A: I'm following the Eat Clean way of follows what my dr. has told me to do...AND there are lots of yummy recipes & motivation on the site. I love Tosca Reno's 'Recharged' book & have found a lot of inspiration in it..but, again...haven't lost many lbs...*a*hem...I keep saying it doesn't matter..I'm getting healthy & strong! LOL! 

So...there ya have it...

& lovin' it! ...totally inspiRing to get strong & see how amazing our human bodies are! I love it & feel so thankful...I know I say it a lot lately...but, Never EVER take your health for granted.

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