Monday, June 13, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>photo back-drop board

Happy Monday! 

We had a fantastic weekend...lots of family time, relaxing time & just enjoying each other...

Have I said lately how much i LOVE Summer? 

I LOVE having my kids home & just playing with them...We've been having so much fun....

So....this week's Monday Makeover is super simple, but I've been wanting to do it for quite a while...

I've had this random wooden board that I painted one side blue & when I take pictures for styling, I've used it as a backdrop...I've loved it, but on the other side, I wanted something with texture & character....

I have this large print vintage dictionary I got at a thrift store & I just ripped out a bunch of the pages & mod podged them onto the board..easy peasy...
Not much...but enough that when I style things...I'm excited for just a hint of 'vintage coolness' in the backdrop of photos....
(frame from my fRame woRks digital kit found HERE.)

See? Just a little makeover with a lot of *ka*pow*
....took me about 30 minutes...

It's funny how this has been in my mind to do for months...yet, it wasn't getting done.
It was time to stop procrastinating...take that 30 minutes...& get it done. 
I'm so glad I did.

So, what have you put off for a while...that you can just carve out 30 minutes & get it accomplished?
Time to get inspiRed...
ready? Set? GO!

Happy Monday!

...and...tomorrow I'll announce the 3 winners of the Go Bands! LOVED hearing your stories!
...just keep going...

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