Thursday, June 23, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>on Thursday.

I do apologize....My monday turned into Thursday... this week has flown....I've been enjoying & celebrating every moment with my kids.

Monday: got a bit sick when I tried to introduce gluten back into my,

Tuesday: chilled all day...enjoyed each other's company & made memories. :)

Wednesday: getting ready for a big meeting. In my church I serve with the various congregations (we call them Wards) in our surrounding area (which we call a Stake) in a program for children called Primary. I am the President of the Stake Primary programs & oversee all the various Wards. It's truly one of my favorite things! But, when we have Conferences coming up...& I'm in takes a lot of work...I'm so happy to do it, but I do get wrapped up in it! LOL!

&...Today. Thursday...finally doing some makeover stuff I've been needing to do.
A while ago, I thrifted these butterflies & knew I wanted to create a little wall collage in my bathroom...which has aqua walls...(my previous work of art was knocked off the wall & broke)

working on this wall about this coming Monday, I actually SHOW you the make-over...ha ha!

enjoy today...& do it again tomorrow!

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