Thursday, June 16, 2011

a little motivation & inspiRation on this Thursday....

I got this quote in my email today from Compendium....
& I immediately wanted to make this into a piece of printabe aRt to hang in my room...
so I can wake up to it 


It's SO true...I am at that point right now in my life...
I MUST roll up my sleeves.
work hard.
put myself at the TOP of my commitment list...
& enjoy every bit of the pRocess.
**you can purchase this printable HERE.**

LOVE how inspiRational this is! It truly uplifted & inspiRed me on this Thursday!
I got some more of my Life Journal finished today...working on my mission statement in Soul Restoration 2.... *gulp* I'm in love with my book so far...I'm having so much fun!
enjoy the rest of your day...tomorrow is a FUN FRIDAY at our house & we've got big plans! 
What are you up to?

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