Wednesday, June 8, 2011

time to move foRwaRd...

Yesterday I started Soul Restoration Part 2! I'm soo excited. I LOVED Soul Restoration Part really helped me see things clearly in my life & make some major changes.
And, now..I'm building on what I learned in SR1 & joining Melody & all of the other Brave Girls around the world in this Part 2: a 6 week online class that will help me move forward on my goals & the life I want to live.

Today, I'm prepping my aRt jouRnal & I'm soo  excited with the way it's turning out...I'll take a quick snap shot & post really soon! eeeee!'s not too late to sign up & join in...who wants to join me?
(you do NOT have to have taken SR1 in order to take SR2)

One of the things Melody talks about in Lesson One is about choosing 
Committing to really 'being' in the present...making the choices that will really cReate the life I want to live. occurred to me: that I'm on the right track with this marathon training. 
I'm right on target.

And that felt good to realize that. 
It also felt good to know that the major changes I've made in my life that past few months have been just what I needed to cReate the life I want to live...they weren't easy, 
but deep down, 
that I needed to change things so that I could live the life I wanted. 
It's scary. 
It's going to be challenging, 
but I'm soo excited to move foRward these next 6 weeks. 
It's going to be life changing. 
It's time....time to move forward.

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