Thursday, June 30, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>DIY Toilet Paper Roll art: honeycomb, I"m a little better than last least today is Wednesday (not Thursday)...BUT>>>Blogger was, now it IS Thursday! oy!

My Monday Makeover is only a few days late! LOL! But, it's fun stuff!

Lots going on over here....exciting much to blog about, but I just don't have time! 

Today is my first born child's! time flies. We are headed out to have some fun..& then off for a week!

So...before we got things going...I wanted to share how my thrifted-spray-painted-butterflies ended up on my bathroom wall collage...

you likey? I LOVEY!

I was noticing a lot of hits on my 4th of July Toilet Paper Roll art from last year & it got me to thinking about how many rolls of TP
everyone goes through...why not do another fun art with those millions of rolls?

and...since I was making over our bathroom...Toilet Paper Roll art was perfect for this room! *grin*

I love the way it turned out....

the spray painted butterflies.

the white card stock butterflies

the TP roll honeycomb

& the grey vinyl be. & bee image.
Here's an Instragram shot of the shelf on the opposite wall....not very good..but, you get the picture. It just makes me smile...makeovers are always nice!
  When we get back, I'll take better photos...but, for now...thought you'd like to see! 

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