Tuesday, June 7, 2011

inspiRation: fitness AND a giveaway: dailyologie

today's inspiRation: fitness

Saturday, our whole family ran our annual fave: Art City Days Family Fun Run 5K! For those of you following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram...you saw my photos! 
It was such a great day! And one of my FAVE things was my running bracelet GO BAND from Donna Bruett, of dailyologie!  She sent me this motivation: Just Keep Going. I looked down at it right in the middle of the hill & remembered: I can do this if I just keep going
loved that.thanks for the inspiRation, Donna!

It was a great day for all of us! Just running as a family is so fun...but, the sense of accomplishment I saw in my kids' faces was the best!  

Jeff is a runner. He always has been. (he's rubbed off on me in our 17 years of marriage.)
And he has had an injury for the past 2+ years (toothpick in his foot) that has made it so he can't run very fast(yet, still faster than I could ever dream! LOL!)
....this year he's all better (toothpick miraculously made its way out of his foot)
& wanted to fly like the wind...he did! He got a great time (20:30)  & was sooo close to placing in his age group. (he has done that many years in the past) But, 1 other guy was a bit speedier than him!

I had a personal goal of getting 30 min. (about a 10 min. mile) and...I came in at 27:28.  I know, I know...not as speedy as my husband, but...I was totally happy!  I'm not a competitive runner, so race times don't really mean that much to me...but, my 'personal best' does. And, I did it!

The kids each ran their little hearts out & all came in great times & enjoyed themselves! The girls were stretching out on the grass after it was over...love them!

So, after the race, I had so many people asking me where I got it!  Aaaaandddd...today, Donna of Dailyologie,  is giving away THREE of them to 3 of my lucky blog readers!

Listen to what Donna says about her GO BAND:
<<"Hooray for outdoor activities!  I love this time of year and it's a great time to set those fitness goals.


Do you want to run a crazy amount of miles, walk like a mad woman, 
or cycle your heart out?  

I created the GO BAND to be a comfy, light weight band to motivate and help you reach your goals.  Sometimes the path looks endless, but step by step, day by day, if you keep moving forward you can accomplish great things.  JUST KEEP GOING!  You can get there.">>

Love this concept of the Go Bands!

Just leave a comment here & tell me what YOU are doing that the mantra: Just Keep Going will help motivate & inspire YOU!

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