Thursday, September 29, 2011

How Do You Do That? --->Super Comic Party

So? Did you get the Rhonna Designs Newsletter No. 2? Well, if you saw all the NEW Super Comic Kits! 
I love this whole vibe...perfect for any celebration for the super heroes in your life. 

For today's How Do You Do That? segment...
I wanted to show you how my sister used these kits to throw her own party....
She has a new baby, 
is moving & 
her little super hero turned 5! (Happy Birthday, Adam!) 
So, she needed a super fast & easy party to throw together...

Rhonna Designs to the rescue!  
She simply printed out all of the Super Comic Party Printables onto cardstock, sticker paper & other papers to create a truly SUPER party!
 Amy is an amazing stylist, & she's got the knack of making things look fabulous in a jiffy...but anyone can when you look at HOW she did it!
Look at how she added pom pom trim behind the Party Banner Printables! LOVE!

and. just look at the cute party hats she put in the hurricanes...a*dore this brilliant idea!

One of the pieces to the Printable Party is the Cupcake N Labels Kit.  The Labels can be used for water bottles, printed on sticker paper for gift wrapping annnddd....
sewn together to create a mobile! 

Seriously! I had NOT thought of this, but when I saw it I thought: cool is that?

She simply sewed these down the center & added some of the Circle Seals along with her stash of Vintage Comics...Love it!

Party cakes were all Fabb-ed up with the Circle Seals, too! 
She stuck them on the skewers & voila! Fast & easy Birthday Cakes! 
(the KaPOW is in the Circle Seals, Digital Rub ons & Brushes kits
And the Batman logo she used over one of the Burst Brushes!...easy to design your own stuff!)

 The Candy Cones *& Party Hat kits are similar, but the Cones are a smaller version of the, they can both be used to have some fun with all ages! 
(notice in the pic the size difference)  
She added crepe paper, & made all sorts o' goodies lickety split...
oh so fast!
See how she incorporated the Super Hero she wanted to customize her party to? I love that about this's all SUPER>>>>& everyone can use it with Superman, Batman, Captain America...yea!

Look at this cute little hero...
I think he's SUPER at 5!  
One cool thing about the Digital Brush kit is that it comes with numbers 1-12 for your own hero's birthday age! You can totally customize the invites, etc!

So, the great thing about these kits is:
you can purchase separately OR you can purchase in a Printable Party Pack 
or a 
both at a great discount.
**and you Newsletter got even MORE of a SUPER discount!* wink!

so...happy weekend full of cRafting!
I'm so excited...I'll be glued to my TV all weekend watching, soaking up & being uplifted & inspired by THIS!

p.s. all images courtesy of Amy & her iPhone. we love Instagram.:)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a closeR look at gRateful glam

Whether you live in the States or Canada & celebrate Thanksgiving> or if you live somewhere around the world....everyone loves to create with a Grateful Heart....
& this Grateful Glam collection is perfect for any kind of project: 
card making, 
hyrbrid crafting, 
digital scrapbooking, 
DIY home decor...
you name it...
This collection is a gorgeous tool for you to create projects to uplift & inspire!

I'm so excited about this Grateful Glam Paper pack! The colors are inspired by Autumn & what's hot now: 
Grey, Yellow & Sage. 
The patterns are an ecclectic mix of vintage receipts, grids & ledger.  
Add a splash of modern florals, lattice & quatrefoil & voila! 
You have a kit that has 12 backgrounds that can be used over & over again in ANY projects.  10 of the backgrounds are very versatile, while 2 have Gratitude specific words on them.  LOVE it!
Like all of my Rhonna Designs Printable background papers, you get all of the designs in 2 sizes: this paper pack is offered in 8x10 or 12x12 so no matter what size you are covered!

Ok. This is where I get really excited!  This Cards N Tags kit is sooo fun!  It comes in 10 different designs.  3x5 sized AND a full 8x10 Printable where they are sized smaller: business card size (2 x 3.33)!!!  These darling little gems are perfect for slipping a card into someone's lunch box, under a pillow, wrapped on a gift...OR...I totally see these with family's names on them on the Thanksgiving Table.  
I'm thinking: perfect for a Gratitude Tree...hanging from branches where everyone writes down what they are thankful for. 

And the smaller cards can be printed & cut out... smaller versions & oh. so. cute! imagine: mini banners sewn together, strung across your tablescape, mantle piece, or doorway! Love!

And...of course. This digital brush set is so gorgeous & can be used in so many things to create masterpieces. There really is no limit with what you can create stamping these babies on everything:
word art.
scrapbook layouts.
blog posts.

& then using them to print out...hybrid crafting...ahh! the best!

**NOTE: For little tips & tricks with this kit...remember to refer to THIS tutorial. It teaches you how to use some of the brushes in this kit for a cool effect.  There are SOOO many things you can do with digital brushes.  I can't even touch on it all....hence, the step by step tutorials in the How Do You Do That series.  We'll be going from the simplest steps like loading & stamping to more advanced, keep up & enjoy the pRocess of learning How to Use & cReate with digital brushes.

And...the Tags N Flags Printables are so great. I've used them on so many things already! It comes with 3 different Printable sheets....This first one is little flags that can be made into mini banners, dessert toppers on toothpicks, or cut & folded to be used on cards, scrapbook layouts, home name it!
Did you see how cReative Team member Jamie used them? Love this! 

She put them on sticks as Home Decor & mixed them with the Spooky Junque Banner Kit! Darling!

The other 2 printable pages offered in the Tags N Flags Kit are both perfect for printing out on paper or sticker paper....making your own stickers, letters, tags, etc.  

Both have quotes & words that are gratitude geared...I love them! Cut out little snippets for scrapbooking layouts, or cards.

This one is automatic STICKER sheet....cut out the words OR just the letters. All coordinating with the Grateful Glam kits AND versatile enough to be used with any other crafting supplies & embellies.

So many great things to create with these kits....I"m so uplifted & inspired by what the cReative Team always does....I'd also love to see what YOU do with them!

Monday, September 26, 2011

cReative team Tuesday----> fRee pRintable. Fall & Grateful Glam.

Hoping you all got the Rhonna Designs Newsletter....& the special discount & fRee pRintable. We'll be sending out Newsletter No. 2 this, be sure to sign up!  New kits are on the way....but, first..

A huuuuge thanks for the amazing & overwhelming response to the Spooky Junque kits & the NEW Grateful Glam kits! It has been so exciting & has knocked our sox off! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

So...are you ready to be uplifted & inspiRed by my cReative Team today? I'm seriously LOVING their cReativity with their hybrid crafting...i just love it all!

Spooky Junque isn't just for Halloween. Look at how Jamie Pate created this Spooky Junque Banner...

A lot of the flags can be used just for any occasion. Love this! 

Then..on this banner the 'boo' flag is the only one that is Halloweenish...each flag can be paired with other kits, colors, etc....
each flag just inspiRes me!

Look at the attention to detail!

Love the pop up piece Jamie cut out from the Collage paper & the Banner from the kit. It's also in the Spooky Junque Brushes!


Love how Jamie used the Spooky Junque Label 'boo' on the Banner kit...amazing.

gah....this one is simply gorgeous!!!

This map pattern makes me sooo happy...but, LOVE how she stapled the bits of Junque on here, too. adorable!
Ok...I have to say: I think this Persimmon color in the kit is my fave...& LOVE how she used the pieces here...the little flags on top are all from the kit as well as the flower & flag underneath.
it makes me giddy.

Now...Jing is our little gem. I've said it before...there's something so elegant, sophisticated & alluring about her designs. I about fell out of my chair when she sent these to me...
They are the NEW Grateful Glam Cards....& she made them into postcards...
a little mix of the Grateful Glam brushes, & Spring Mix butterflies...& LOOK@!

I adore the 3-d Spring Mix butterflies she's coupled with the Grateful Glam...such a gorgeous twist!

I mean...check out the texture? Jing used Canson Canvas Paper to print on...amazing...such a lovely job on the hybrid crafting....I just adore how she used the Grateful Glam brushes & Grateful Glam Background Paper Printables. mmmm!
The orange butterfly flourish & 'attitude of gratitude' brushes are perfect for this Postcard.

And...check out how Kelly Lautenbach created the most splendid hybrid home decor ...THis is the number of their condo...isn't that amazing!?

She used the Quatrefoil backgrounds and the Washi Tape clusters...LOVE this! Those metal numbers are.

And as if you haven't gotten enough ideas & eye candy for banners...check out Melissa Mortenson's fabric banner! Complete with photos printed on fabric & sewn in! 

She says:

I printed the banner PDF's on muslin (just iron wonderunder to the back and it will go through a printer just fine!)... Then cut them out and ironed them onto canvas. Then stitched around & pinked the edges of the canvas.

Then I printed my photos (adding RD design elements first) on fusible printable fabric... then ironed them onto the banner pieces and stitched around... added some embellishments and strung them up...

Just a note about printing on muslin- it works great but is not water safe- if you drip on the fabric it will bleed- but works great for crafts.

Go on over to her blog to see more images close up of this AMAZING bunting! Love the fabric & photo touches. lovely!

Remember last week's sneak peek of her Joyful Pillow?'s the gorgeous finished product!
I love how Melissa incorporates fabric, sewing, buttons & bling into her creations.
truly uplifting & inspiring!

The embroidery on the Honeycomb pieces just makes me smile. & LOVE the Spring Mix butterflies!

Susan created this stunning quote layout that is sooo inspiRing to me!

 Love how she used the
Washi Tape kit, Spring Mix Butterflies AND the little banners are from the Grateful Glam TagsNFlags kit! Love this photography, too! So, talented! 

And...check out what Nancy Wyatt has created!!!
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I adore this Candy Cone comes with 4 different patterns & little printable embellishments. Look how Nancy did this? 

She printed them out smaller (50%) to make mini cones...filled them with candy & voila! 

You have a perfect 'pre-Halloween' treat so the kids don't get in the Halloween Candy! LOL! 

She photographed it on a framed piece of the Spooky Junque Background kit...& the corner is darling with the little bits of Spooky Junque

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And...LOVE how she used the Free Printable, printed it out small & added a ruffle to adorable.

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& don't forget to glam up your photos with the Spooky Junque Brushes like Nancy did the bottom left hand corner. FAB!

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She also created a FABALICIOUS Banner...go on over to her blog to see more close ups...but, I wanted to highlight her little ticket decor! See how she used the small tags from Spooky Junque to create this fab mantle piece!? Bril!

I just adore Amy's style. From her blog> to her line> to her fashion sense!  And...this layout is just fab.

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LOVE how she incorporated so many Rhonna Designs into it!
The background paper is from the new Grateful Glam Paper pack...& she's got Honeycomb Pieces, Simple Tags, Frameworks & 6 week brushes in there....with a splash of Washi Tap clusters!
oooh la la!
LOVE it, Amy!

...and be sure to check out everyone's blogs...they are all so cReative with the Rhonna Designs kits...
Love how Nancy did a quick & easy digital scrapbook layout here. adorable...
And, look how Jamie created cute tags, flags & banners with the Grateful Glam Tags N Flags kit...LOVE!

Come back tomorrow for a closer look at the new kits: Grateful Glam!
until then....

forget not....

Twice a year, our Church has a General Conference where we get to be uplifted & inspiRed by our Leaders! Saturday night we had the General Relief Society meeting where all the women across the globe can tune in to watch & was sooo wonderfully inspiRing!

Julie B. Beck is the world wide President of this amazing organization of women....she has 2 counselors, Sylvia Allred & Barbara Thompson who all spoke....They are amazing was the kind of Conference that you left wanting to be your best...ya know?

This quote was from Deiter F. of my favorite people to listen to....He is the one that delivered this amazing message about Creativity a few years ago...
& he did not disappoint....This message was so wonderful....about not forgetting the important things in life.  His words spoke to my soul...go listen to will make you happy! I promise!
Happy Monday!