Tuesday, November 29, 2011

cReative Team Tuesday:: Christmas Hybrid Crafting

Loving what the Creative Team did with the NEW fonts, kits & Christmas Junque! Perfect for handmade gifts, home decor & scrapbooking.  All hybrid! 

Jing's festive centerpiece makes me want to sing & dance around her table...it's so 'merry'!  LOVE how she has a close up of these...She printed the Christmas Junque pieces & layered so the wings, tails, & banner have dimension! Brilliant!
Isn't it completely gorgeous? I adore these! And...just LOOK at her layout! I love how she literally printed, cut out & created with the Christmas Junque pieces, backgrounds & card kits! Wow!
And hang onto your hats! Look at these amazing hybrid tags Jamie created! wow. wow. wow. wow.

She used the Punk Junque brushes  on the above tag (brush of the top-hat bird) & then also addedd the Swirly Gig font (love) as well as the Junque Labels brush. LOVE this!!!
& the colored files in the Punk Junque kit make me smile. I love how Jamie used the 'time is precious image on here...& added the banner/label on the 'time is precious' part...brilliant!

Here, she's used the Junque Label kit...added blam & bling & wow! talk about a tag with ka*pow! 

 Love them all grouped together on the burlap, too! just darling! LOVE them!!!!! THANK YOU, for inspiring us sooo much!

And...a HUGE thank you to everyone who made our Cyber Monday a drop-your-jaw-humbling-overwhelmingly thankful experience! seriously...you are all amazing! Can't WAIT to see what YOU create with Rhonna Designs! 

Happy Tuesday! 

remember.... less than a week left in our 'informal' 21 Challenge...you can do it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 15: The 21 Challenge. last week!

"She kept her eye on the prize."

(graphic is from the NEW Punk Junque kit!)

last week. 
How are you doing? 

I've LOVED hearing your stories...many of you are doing some really difficult things as your challenge...& many of you are feeling good. feeling strong.

Some of you have fallen off the wagon...to both of you I say:

Keep your eye on the prize.
 Do NOT give up. 
do NOT lose focus. 
The time is passing...you are DOING it! 

Even if you fall off the wagon...all is not lost!

HOW do you expect to become a 'better you' if you do not put in the effort & work...keep your eye on the prize, 21ers!

LOVE You! & do NOT give up!

Closer look at NEW kits & fonts: Cyber Monday!

cyber monday deals at Rhonna Designs TODAY ONLY!

And...boy...am I excited to share the NEW stuff in the store today....let's take a closer look!

The Junque Labels kit is deeelish! It's a brush kit so it comes with the typical ABR file....recolor, resize, stamp...the whole shebang. AND a bonus Printable on cool vintage paper...LOVE these! They are perfect for ANY project! Print, cut, create!

Hold on to your top hats....cuz this Punk Junque kit is to. die. for! It's my new fave. seriously.  It's a Brush kit, but also comes with the colored PNG files that are sooo delish. All Steam Punk vibe: top hats, hot air balloons, butterflies, flowers, watches...pure FUN!

And, I created this Christmas Junque Card kit due to the HUGE amount of requests I got...here ya go! Every single thing you need to create your Christmas cards, gift tags, address wraps, labels...you name it!
and....last but not least:  NEW FONTS section at Rhonna Designs! So excited!
Now...a little explanation.  Most of these are vintage fonts that I have been selling for years.....but NOW I will be bringing my faves over to Rhonna Designs...
However, there are 2 new dingbat fonts that are soo fun!
This Christmas 2011 dingbat font is amazing. tags, icons, frrames...you name it. It's your go-to Christmas font!
The Chic Shack dingbat font is NEW, too! Think: birds, swirls, chandeliers, crowns, silhouettes...it was designed with home decor in mind...lovely!

 So...run on over to Rhonna Designs for your Cyber Monday discount of 40% off your $20 order! 
code: RDcyber11
happy shopping!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

cReative Team Tuesday: Hybrid Crafting

Creative Team Tuesday Hybrid crafting takes us from scrapbooking to Project Life to Christmas.

Susan used the versatile Christmas Junque Collage Frames for this easy scrapbook layout.  Love how she used it in a non-Christmas way....just how I designed them...so they can be versatile! Gorgeous!

Jamie's working on her Project Life & I love how she used the various Rhonna Designs kits to create her own...check out how beautiful this album is!  wow!

For more info on exactly what kits she used...check out her blog!

Loving how Nancy is taking us through steps on how she is combining Christmas Junque kits with her December hybrid crafting...simply amazing. Check out her blog for a tutorial!

and...LOVE how Susan showed us how simple it is to use the Christmas Word art, Merry Bird kit and the Christmas Junque pieces to create these cute little cupcake toppers!

Thanks, Creative Team...love how you uplift & inspire us!
Be watching for the Newsletter coming out soon announcing NEW kits AND our Black Friday sale!
dont't forget to comment HERE to WIN a spot in Maggie Holmes' Photography online class.
Winner picked tomorrow!
Have a great day and...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 8 of The 21 Challenge AND a Giveaway!

Day 8 of the 21 challenge...and...reporting in...
How are you doing?

day. 8.
"We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" - Marianne Williamson
be fabulous.

All of you 21ers ARE fabulous, but add on a 'lieve' to that 'be' so you 'believe' you are fabulous!

This week has been amazing...hearing from so many of you via facebook, instagram, twitter, texts, emails...wow! You are ALL doing an amazing job!

I'm happy to say I've stayed 'on the wagon' the entire week. Even when I got home from my whirlwind day trip to AZ, I came home late & did my core exercises...it's getting easier!

so...we are entering 
the 2nd week. 
This is the most difficult of the weeks...
the 1st week you are all fired up & have a lot of motivation going on...

the 3rd week you can see the light at the end of the tunnel & run on the momentum of the past 2 weeks.

but, sadly...week 2 gets the shaft. This is where most people fall off the wagon.
it get's too difficult.
you start to rationalize.
you start to doubt.


do NOT fall into these traps.
you can do this.
be.lieve. that you can be.come.

How about a little fun motivation? 

If you have seen Maggie Holmes' photography you KNOW it's deeelish! She's just got a way of bringing color & feeling to her photography...

well...she is offering a FAB giveaway to her December Daily Photography Workshop to one of YOU!

Maggie's daily emails & prompts for photographing your December will be invaluable. I'm soo excited to take this class. Even if you are not doing the December daily...you will love it for any of your December documenting: Journal Your Christmas, photographing your holidays...etc.
Thanks, Maggie Holmes Designs for sponsoring this amazing giveaway!
comment here...I'll pick a winner on Wednesday!

Happy Day 8 &.... 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

creative team tuesday: gardening, grateful glam & december daily

My amazing Creative Team is so uplifting & inspiring to me! This week's hybrid projects are filled with delicious textures, ideas & ranged from gardening to Thanksgiving to December Daily using Christmas Junque. 
Jamie's December Daily journal is soo gorgeous. I'm dying over the textures, colors & how she created her foundation pages with Christmas Junque....and the Number Junque kit!

And Rosemary shows us how to plant & garden with these fab little potted plant picks created with the Honeycomb Pieces

And be still my heart...how about this Give Thanks garland Melissa created out of the Grateful Glam Cards & Tags kit...perfect.! I spy some Honeycomb Pieces in there, too! 
She's got a tutorial on this wreath over at her blog...I adore it! And her photos of it are stunning! Love this...I'm going to make it!
And, the brilliant Nancy has her December Daily foundation all set up using the Christmas Junque! Look at her fab, fab page protectors...love these! 

She's got a tutorial over on her blog, too...showing how she created on laser transparency & all her fabulousness. LOVE this, too! Sooo inspiring!
Again, a HUGE thank you to my Creative Team for constantly uplifting & inspiring with Rhonna Designs! 
now...I don't know about you, but I wanna go create! *wink*

p.s. How is your 21 Challenge going? Day 2....keep it up! xo

Monday, November 14, 2011

The 21 Challenge...starts today!

So many requests for this lately...It's the {21} Challenge...another round. Are you in?

It starts today...& like I said on Twitter & Facebook....this is a LITE version. I'll be tweeting, posting visuals like these images here via Instagram & on Facebook DAILY. So, the best way to follow & share is by following me on Twitter, Instagram & FB....Lite version...remember?

Each Monday, I'll do a blog re-cap with all of the day's images so you can go back & look at them.
Who's in?

Day 1: today. 
LOVE this quote:
"A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug." Patricia Neal

1. Pick ONE habit to make or break. 
It can be a physical, emotional, spiritual, mental goal...something that YOU feel you want to improve in your life. 
**I chose to focus on core exercises everyday. I've got the running down, but I always forget the core for some reason. And when I DO exercise it daily, my other ailments seem to be better. A strong core= a happy Rhonna.

2. Pick a way to document it. You can scrapbook it. art journal it. photograph it. write it down in a notebook. whatever will help to solidify this new habit. for YOU. tailor it to YOU.
**In past rounds, I did art journals, and I loved it!!!! But, right now, I've got lots on my plate & sadly, it's not realistic. But, I CAN be creative AND document with my phone..so, this is my 'LITE' version. I will be taking pictures on my phone & adding the quotes for my creativity exercises.  All on my phone. love that.

3. Commit to it for 21 days straight.  This is when the success comes in. It takes 21 days or 3 weeks for your body, muscles, brain to all come together & make or break this habit.
It can be done. 
**I've done round after round & not only do I feel better about myself, gain more confidence, see the changes I want to see, but I get more creative!!!! seriously...it works hand in hand with the 100 Creativity Exercises...I LOVE it!

I'm committed. Are you?

Welcome new-comers, & welcome old-timers....let's do this!

Friday, November 11, 2011

How Do You Do That: Social Media...& how I use it.

I've had lots of questions about this stuff lately, so I thought I'd have a little chat with you about Social Media and how I use it.
Who uses Social Media
What IS Social Media
Where do I get on to learn about Social Media? and 
How do I use Social Media?

Who uses Social Media?  Anyone. everyone.
What IS Social Media? Here's how I see it:

Twitter is like a quick-fist bump-high five- kind of a place. You say hi to your friends really quick just to let them know what you're up to...
A few fist bumping tips:
*follow your friends or people that Tweet about stuff you're interested in.
* Tweets are only allowed 140 characters, so you have to be concise!
*You call your friends by their Twitter handles which is their name with the @ sign in front of it.
*Twitter has things called hashtags that start with the # sign. Hashtags are anything you want them to be: a trend, an idea, a subject...you name it.
*When you want to shout out what someone else says you Re-Tweet it or RT.

Facebook is more like a sit down-have a drink-catch up-with a little more detail- kind of place...like you are meeting your friends at a cafe or coffee shop to chat it up.
A few chatting tips:
*You 'friend' someone or accept their friend request to be able to see their wall & all their info.
*You update your status & tell friends what you're doing. Discussions can occur & it's fun!
*You write on your friends' walls.  Remember, everyone can see those messages. If you want to be more discreet (leaning over the table & whispering something only you can hear) you'd send them a Message.
*Facebook has become a place where you can have 'fan pages' since you can only have up to 5,000 friends.
*You can quickly keep in touch with FB friends by 'Like'ing their status updates. You can post pictures, links, etc. very quickly.

Blogging is more like you're coming over to my house, we are in our comfy PJs & sit up all night talking, laughing, sharing, & really getting down to the nitty gritty.
A few blogging tips:
*It's your personal blog, so really...you can blog about whatever you want. You decide what your blog is about: you? food? crafts? giveaways? photography? writing? trends & fashion?
*Keep it positive.  My whole mantra is: uplift & inspire. enjoy the journey. so I try try TRY to keep it upbeat & positive. I know...life is not always like that. But, this is my PERSONAL tips & trick about Social Media...After all..Social Media can be used to bring women together...empower & do GOOD in the world!  I'm just telling you how I use it! LOL!
*Tag or label your entries so others can find or search your blog.  There's a WHOLE bunch of other stuff like SEO & jazz...but that is for another post.
*You can also add RSS feed to get the updates on the blogs you follow OR just follow it to get the update in your blogger dashboard.

Instagram is an APP that is a visual way to share your journey. It's now offered for iPhone, iPad, iTouch, & now Android. Facebook bought them out & is not connected to FB. 

 You take a picture on your phone & then IG (instagram) has various frames & filters...You upload  or post these pix to the Instagram feed on your phone.
A few Instagram tips:
*You CAN view online at Webstagram.
*You can also use other apps to add more filters, text, etc. I've shared some of my fave apps HERE & how to use them HERE>
THEN...after you have your photo how you likey...you upload to instagram. voila!
*You can follow friends, like or comment on their photos, & add friends to see their feed.
*When you want to add or tag someone onto a photo you put their username & @ so...if you wanted to post a pic & make sure I saw what you said or did you'd add: @rhonnafarrer to it, then it comes up in my feed & I see it!

Pinterest (you need an invitation) is a social 'pin board' used for inspiration. There, you can go & get ideas for anything! From fitness to cooking to creating to photography to humor!  I see it as a huge bulletin board where I pin up something that inspires me or I want to remember. Then, I make different boards so my friends & family can see.
A few Pinterest tips:
*Learn the etiquette of Pinning. You can go HERE & HERE to learn, but please educate yourself. There's a lot of 'ignorant pinning' going on out there! 
*Pin & create your own boards to uplift & inspire. Keep in mind that you can follow your favorite people.
*Your 'feed' will show 'Pinners You Follow'. But, if you go on 'everything', beware. You may (or your kids) see something you didn't want to see. I'm amazed at the language & images that are pinned. No thank you. That's not uplifting OR inspiring to me.  So, be careful!
*Keep updated on new updates & improvements by checking out their official blog. Here, they will tell you any changes, or great things coming!
*Be mindful of copyright. THis is mentioned in the etiquette, but there's a lot of infringement going on & needs to have it's own bullet point. Many people will find an image, pin it & not give proper credit. This started a big hubaloo in the artistic community & is still under going lots of controversy! Just be careful. Be respectful. & don't pin something w/o proper credit or links. I've had images of mine pinned & floating around Pinterest that weren't even linked or associated with it. Luckily, some of my followers noticed & commented on the pin, giving credit! Thanks, girls! We can help one another in Social Media!
*These boards are not private (yet)...anyone can see, so when I pin or repin something, keep that in mind.

Where do I go to learn about Social Media? Google. search. you will find.

Now...you might be asking:

How do I use Social Media? Think about what YOU want to do? promote your blog? site? product? talent? make friends? do good? spread joy?...decide & then learn about that niche.

It takes time. There's a whole community right there on your computer & phone...& the best part is: it's free. fun. & can be really creative & you can DO GOOD in this world! That is my favorite part about it...see? I found out what I wanted to use Social Media for...for becoming more creative. learning. sharing. & yes..promoting. But, isnt' that cool? all at your fingertips.

Personally, Twitter is where I do most of my 'sharing'....So, if you aren't following me...get on & follow!

Set up your accounts so they are all intertwined: i.e. I have my Instagram connected to my Twitter connected to my Facebook.  So, if I upload or post a photo onto IG, it automatically goes directly to Twitter & then FB, so I only have to do one post.

And, if I'm not posting a photo, my Twitter goes directly to my FB, so-again...only one post.

Now, my blog is a bit different...I don't have it connected to anything...I have my own reasons for that..but, I have found how it works for ME.

You can do that, too. Just figure out what YOU want to do, what your purposes are & what you want out of it...then, set it up!
There's so much more I could go into...but- that's for another post.
For now....