Tuesday, February 28, 2012

creative team tuesday: DIY bottle caps w/ Mini Seals

The NEW Mini Design Tool Kits are seriously fab. fab.  Mini bits o' goodness. I'm in LOVE with the Mini Stamps & Textures...but, today Jing, one of my Creative Team Members,  is going to show us the Mini Seals in these fab hybrid crafts: DIY bottle caps!

 Jing says:

(resized to 1.1”, recolor  as desired, used fiskars circle, bottlecaps, covered with epoxy dots)

Can be used as embellishments for layout, cards or any projects
Can also be used a funky necklace
Or just add magnet at the back and ready for the magnet board

Background: I used the previous postcard – GIVE THANKS

Sooo in love with these...aren't they fab?

Thanks, Jing...you surely uplifted & inspired me!
So, did you get the FREE Printable with the purchase of any of the NEW 5 kits? I'm printing mine out & framing...along with making a LUCKY Banner from the kit...I gotta get some GREEN around here...it always livens things up, ya know?
Happy Tuesday...one more day of Feb. & it's March! Time is flying!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

new design tools & are you feeling LUCKY?

Holla! It's almost March....& one question: are you feeling LUCKY?
We just released 5 new kits & with the purchase of any of them...you get this FREE PRINTABLE! I love it..so cute framed in the 8x10 size it comes in...OR downsize it for an instant post card, love note, or smaller frame!

So, here are the 5 new kits:

I've got some fun LUCKY kits on the site...a brush kit that has so many fun LUCKY word art pieces...I adore them!  shamrocks, luck o' the irish...ya know...fun digital brushes/stamps to add to your LUCKY month!

And,  of course a Printable kit for the LUCKY: Banner & Flags!

Cutie patootie little banners that can be printed on cardstock, photo paper...or even on printable fabric! I am loving these smaller banners! And the other Printable sheet in this kit is perfect for flags, cards, cupcake toppers, buntings...you name it! All for a perfectly LUCKY party or celebration!

Now...I've been LOVING the feedback I've been getting for the Rhonna Design Tool Kit Series...and, this week, I've got 3 NEW Design Tools: 
Oh...HOw I"m LOVING these little gems! They are small: 1x2.5....& they add so much fun & flair!
Layer, stamp, add to a tiny card or invite...oh my...the design possibilities! It makes me giddy!
And, these itty bitty seals o' FUN!  Similar design to the Stamps, but in a circular format...layer, stamp & oo la la! Adorable designs to anything!

Ok, the larger 8x8 Texture Design Tool Brushes have been a huge hit! So happy you 'get' them...Well...these are smaller versions...designed to be the size of a business card; 1 click o' your mouse & you have a fab, fresh, funky texture on your project. LOVE! Think: subtle backgrounds, patterns, colors...oh my!
Ok...enjoy! Happy Weekend!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Doodles Unleashed Giveaway & Blog Tour

 I've been a long time fan of Traci Bautista...a few years ago I took one of her classes at Art & Soul & it brought back my LOVE for Doodling...back in the day, I'd doodled & doodled (Even had a few of my paper lines based on my doodles *Splendor* & *Rock Star* for those of you that remember), but I go through phases...I doodle. Then, I graphic design. Then, I paint. Then, I draw. It's part of the evolution as an artist, I suppose...SO...I was sooo happy when Traci contacted me about her NEW book: Doodles Unleashed. I poured over every page...and...I've been doodling again! LOVE it! Thanks, Traci...for helping me get back to it!
 So...today I have a fun Blog Tour with Traci...Instagram, tweet & facebook will be involved and YOU could win  one of her books!
OR  one of 7 Doodles Unleashed Printables

So, here are the prompts: Just join in on your own blog, instagram, facebook, tweeting...whatever you want! Be sure to tag is: #doodlesunleashed & then comment HERE to let me know you've joined in! I'll pick 8 winners for the prizes....
have fun...& here's some inspiration w/ me & Traci...she says:

Inspiration photo prompts
In my book Doodles Unleashed, I use photo inspirations to jumpstart my creative process. I document my my day in pictures and love to take snapshots while I’m painting, walking through my favorite stores or doing my daily tasks. Spend a day capturing moments, print them and post them on your inspiration board. Use the prompts to inspire your photos and post them on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #doodlesunleashed to enter the giveaway.





I learned so much about things to doodle with from her class & book...one of my fave things is the ink & pipettes! Get her book & let your doodles unleash....it's so freeing artistically...I"m loving it again...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Follow Your Heart picked for Top Ten.

I was honored & delighted when Scrapbook Update picked my Follow Your Heart line as one of the Top Ten of CHA Winter! Wow...Thanks, girls!
"Rhonna Farrer also unveiled a new collection with My Mind’s Eye that had show attendees declaring was “classic Rhonna”.
Follow Your Heart” is a perfect match for My Mind’s Eye – elegant, frilly and heavily detailed with vintage touches, in Rhonna’s signature style."

Thanks so much...I'm seriously LOVING this line. My Mind's Eye has been so great to work with....& hmmm...ya never know...there might be *more* coming your way! *wink* Lots of fun stuff in store!
And speaking of 'in store'...NEW digital kits are coming out tomorrow night...get ready! fun design tools to add to our Rhonna Designs Took Kit Series, as well as NEW Facebook Cover pages AND some fun additions to "A Year To Follow Your Heart"- the digital coordinating art to go with this Follow Your Heart line!

cReative team Tuesday...more inspiRation

You know my mantra: 'uplift and inspire'....my whole site, creative team, design ethic & aesthetic style is all about that: if it uplifts and inspires.....I'm all over it.  Each Creative Team Tuesday does this for me...uplifts me. inspires me. & makes me want to create...right away!
Check out what my Creative Team has brought to you today...I love it!
Nancy has been working on Project Life & incorporating Rhonna Designs in each page... I seriously look forward to her tweets, blogging & Instagram about her process...I'm loving it!

What's fun, is she used my Follow Your Heart products with My Mind's Eye....& then, you can also use the digital Kits in conjunction with them... (*ppsst... be watching...this week, I'll be adding MORE coordinating digital kits to the site! holla!)
And look at this gorgeous card...in LOVE!
Cutest little thing ever...don't you think?
Ok...Jamie is amazing here....look at this shadow box she created? She's even got a tutorial on her blog...so run on over...so inspiring I can't even stand it!

Love the textures, butterflies & bling...oh my...I want to create NOW! Thanks, Jamie, for being soo inspiring to all of us!
And, I LOVE what Susan has done here...she had a birthday party with a bunch of young teens...and LOOK how she used Rhonna Designs to uplift and inspire them! I am in LOVE with this quote, but the fact that all of these girls have this to look at & be inspired makes me so happy. 

This banner just makes me smile...what a great way to  use the Monogram Junque kit...so versatile. so pretty!

She also created this gorgeous layout....I love what she says: 

Your art always matches my photography and how I am feeling and the thoughts that I want to convey from my heart so magically! It is a pleasure to design with them. 
You can feel it, huh? I just love this....
So...hoping you are feeling it, too...uplifted and inspired by these amazing Creative Team artists...i know I am...can't wait to share the NEW Releases this week....hoping it's soon. I'll be sure to send out our newsletter & post about it on Facebook & Twitter! Hugs to all...Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Eye candy & inspiRation...

New week. New goals. New projects. New inspiration. I LIVE for inspiration trips & have been loving what I've been inspired with lately....thought I'd share!

this. oh this just about stopped my heart.
I'm in LOVE with Jill Ricci & I adore how she took her style & infused it with quatrefoil to create something so inspiring! 
Check out all of her work...truly inspiring!

Happy monday...this week is going to be amazing..I can feel it!