Thursday, May 17, 2012

creativity exercises = creativity explosion

You've heard me talk about it over & over....the NEED for my Creativity Exercises. daily.
Yes. I do them every day. 
WHy? So my creative muscle will be strong, fit & ready to think outside the box- be innovative!

Well- yesterday I had one of THE most amazing experiences during the process.

You see, I've been having some ideas lately....the past few months. (actually the very first time I thought of it was last Spring! but, I tucked it away.)

Some crazy, WILD ideas. 

The kind that at first you think: "What am I THINKING?"
They've been....marinating. percolating. guiding me....step by step.

Then I went to Snap- the Conference & I heard some things that got my wheels turning even faster. I was reminded of a few ideas & promptings that I'd had...& I could FEEL that the timing was right.
I met some amazing people that really *sparked* those ideas. Again...marinating. percolating. guiding step by step in this process.

I came home on a cReative high & talked it over with my agent/husband: Jeff. I love him, because he's learned to not think I'm crazy...just let me brainstorm & be my sounding board! LOL! Well...the idea was there, the wheels were in motion, but we there were a lot of 'Hows' & 'What ifs' & frankly...FEAR! I was actually getting scared of the ideas that were coming!
But, again...marinating. percolating. guiding step by step.

Part of this process that's been guiding me was when I shared my Creative Process during my Creativity Week -inspiration. perspiration. innovation. creation. 
I've been really thinking a lot about this particular process & knew that with these 4 Creativity concepts along with my daily 100 Creativity Exercises all of the 'Hows' & 'What ifs' & Fear would work out.

So, yesterday Jeff got this idea & as we were talking about it, IT CAME! All of the questions, all of the 'Hows' & 'What ifs' came like a FLOOD of creative inspiration. It was so fast & furious I couldn't breathe! The fear is still there...cuz again...I'm skeered. But, it's so out of the box- fun- exciting...
the planning stage has begun.

And all of the daily creativity exercises primed my creative muscle to be ready for that inspiration when it hit! The concept itself is a huge undertaking & it is going to take a lot of perspiration, but I think it will be well worth it!

oh yea...& in the middle of this process, I have been designing a new collection for Summer that is making me sooo excited. The creative juices have been over-flowing! Hoping it will all be ready & finished by next week...just in time to kick off Summer!

eeeee! Soo excited! I LOVE being uplifted & inspired....stay tuned!

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