Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Creativity Week: Step No. 4- Creation

Step No. 4> Creation
Throw aside all fear. Grab your tools to create. Ready. Set. GO!
After reviewing & completing Steps No. 1-3, you're ready for the best part...Creation!
To be creative you need to feel free enough to ....
Creative PLAY is the time to do something different than you've done before.  Do not worry about the results, rules, etc.  Feel free. Let it all go. 

Remember when you were a little child? You just played. You didn't think about 'rules'...were there any rules about how YOU made a mud pie? or how YOU climbed a tree? or how YOU caught a caterpillar & just let it walk all over your hand?

No...You just did it with reckless abandon....& you felt free. *at least I did..I remember feeling free...losing track of time because I loved playing so much* hee hee.

Creation is the same thing. Lose yourself in the process...just be free. have fun & break out of your normal patterns...LOOK at things in a different way. Just PLAY.

This is it...this is the time of your process where you let go of all fear & just PLAY
Creative play is crucial....every. day. 
I can't emphasize this enough...even if it's for 1 or 2 minutes.   
How is this possible you ask? Easy...just pick out one of my 100 Creativity Exercises.  Some days I don't have time...literally only have a few minutes. So, I may pick one out of my jar that requires more time. That's OK...I just put it back in & pick out one until I have a 1 or 2 minute exercise...& then I go for it. 

I'm hoping you get the creative bug...practice these steps (they do take practice) until it's infused in will live the cReative life you've always wanted. I promise!

And the great thing can apply this creativity to every aspect of your life.  For instance...reemember how I have been training for my 2nd Full Marathon? I'm on week 15...just over 3 weeks left....and, 
THE worst thing possible happened! 
I got injured!

It's a Grade 2 Calf Strain...I've got to take off 5-8 weeks. um..yea. 
Needless to say...I'm  I was devastated

(hence, my absence from my blog/social media for the past couple of days..boohoo.) 

I gave myself a few days to 'grieve'...then, got back on my feet (a little wobbly *wink*) and, I'm figuring things out. I figure, I learned to LOVE running. *trust me, a year ago, I HATED running! LOL!* But, I learned HOW to love the process.  So...I had to look at this in a creative way...I thought: I can learn to love something else! And, you know what? It came to me last night...I've got to be creative about this, so, I'm taking all of that determination I've had for running & training & I'm going to focus it on a goal I've had for YEARS, but thought I could never do it....I started on May 1. When I get brave, I'll share my goal with you, but it's intense training & I'm really pumped about it!
I don't think I could have come up w/ it w/o thinking creatively; So...>>>I"ll be using ALL of the Steps to Creativity .
Inspiration :: Perspiration :: Innovation :: Creation.
being still

cuz...das how I roll.

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