Thursday, April 26, 2012

Creativity Week: Step No. 3- Innovation

Step No. 3> Innovation
Dare to be different. Dare to be eccentric. Dare to be a non-conformist. DARE to innovate.
After working on Steps No. 1- Inspiration & No. 2- Perspiration, Innovation can be a scary part of the process.
You might think you will fail. But, to be innovative it's essential to fight the fear.  You've got to explore. Explore ideas that are different...outside the box...upside down...on its side. DARE to look for things in a different light.... Dare to.....
Learning how to explore the unknown is essential in the creative process. Throw away all inhibitions. Forget all the things that are holding you back: 
excuses. fears. pre-conceived notions. rules. plans. 

It's time to turn off the main road...try the untried.  
Exploration is the perfect time to ask: 
What if...? 
My 100 Creativity Exercises are full of these...challenging you to really explore your creativity. ideas. thoughts. techniques. even the rules!  Without exploration, we can never have anything new. 

Now...a bit about *new* ideas...lest you think INNOVATION means creating the wheel that's not it.  In fact, most *new* ideas aren't even new. We are just building on the work of others. Originality comes from within...when an artist embraces the fluctuations, imbalances & disturbances & just goes with it to see what will come of it.

So, back to exploring so we can create something new.  This is something I created in an exploration exercise during my daily 100
I had been exploring the idea of using common supplies & objects to create something with a question in mind: What if I went out of my comfort zone using found objects & techniques that are not my norm.
This is what I came up old shoe box that I cut into...added found objects: twigs, pebbles & glittered, painted, mod-podged & ....voila! I ended up loving my little creation using Rhonna Designs Spring Circus & Easter Sayings Printables! Who knew? I did this exercise before I had a bunch of deadlines...perfect way to combat my fears, get new ideas & explore! And I loved the final projects I made for my worked!  

I feel like processes like this can really ignite something in gets the sparks flying so fast, I can't stop! I just want to continue creating & then...naturally...I want to share that spark...these new projects, techniques, ideas....& then it grows- burns brighter & just sparkles!
This is the part of the process from which Spark the Event was created.  The whole idea of Spark is to share your creativity with others.  Margie, Liz & I knew that when we hoarded our creative ideas, it did us no good. In fact, when we don't share our creative ideas, we lose them.  You share your SPARK & it ignites!  We all *sparkle* as we share the creative ideas & processes we encounter.  I have said this before, but, “I believe all ideas are sprinkled from heaven…it’s up to us what we do with them.”
It's not OUR original comes from someone much higher than us that shares His ideas & creation with us. 
When we acknowledge that & have that attitude of sharing our spark, creativity will wash over us & fill up every little bit of us...our creative cup will run over. 

Don't be afraid of someone stealing your ideas. Don't be afraid of someone's talent. 
Don't be afraid of someone's creativity.  
They will be blessed with creativity & ideas & you will, too. 
There's room for everyone!
The ideas will come to you as you follow this process. I know it may not make sense in your head...but, it will in your heart. You need to let go, acknowledge where all inspiration & creativity comes from & embrace that inherent desire to create.  
Then, your creativity will sparkle! ignite...and you are ready for the Creation! be continued...

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