Monday, April 23, 2012

Snap re-cap: Don't miss next year!

The whole idea behind my blog & my site is to Uplift & Inspire
My blog is a place for me to share ideas to uplift and inspire
while my site is the sole place to buy my designs to uplift and inspire

I've come to the point where my health is getting better & it's time for me to kick things up a notch. So, this is why I decided to attend Snap The Conference! I'm so glad I did...
it was scary. 
**Believe it or not, I do still get a little shy/scared/unsure when I go out of my comfort zone. And a blogging conference definitely was out of my comfort zone. **

But the thing that drew me to THIS particular conference was their tag line: 

'Creativity at your fingertips.' 

You know I have to have a creative exercise this was 15 min. away from me, right down the street....
I. Had. No. Excuse.
(quatrefoil tag by me found HERE)

I'm so glad I did. 2 of the first people I saw were some of my all time inspiring people: Shelley of House of Smiths  & Karen from Graphics Fairy!  This was the beginning of 3 days of being uplifted & inspired by...
the classes, 
the people,
the venue,
the laughing,
the sharing,
the crying,
the dancing,
the eating!

Not only did Rhonna Designs sponsor....
(& Snap sure to look on the BACK of that cute, frameable quote to see your 50% off coupon!)
.... but, as luck would have it...I had FOUR of my Creative Team members were there! We all decided to go at various times & when we found out that we were ALL going to be there, we were so excited! It was amazing...someday I'd love to have my entire team together!

Each came on their own or with friends, but we had FIVE of us there! It was so fabulous to glean from really talk, laugh & even cry! I love them all & was so happy to get to share some time with them!
Sadly, we were all never together...funny, huh? But we DID get a few pictures together!

The Queen Bee Market was there & it was sooo fab! I loved it!
And our closing key note speaker was Dr. Matt Townsend who had us laughing & crying. He shared my FAVE quote & really hit on the fact that all of us are changing lives...& when we do that, we can change the world. What he said really resonated with me. I loved it!
& the finale:
We had a party rock in the big barn...dancing til we couldn't dance anymore...shakin' wigglin' movin' & groovin'...

So...for those of you that missed it this word of advice: don't miss next year!
I know I won't!

and...remember...check out the Blogger's retreat: Breathing Space...I'm loving these bloggers!

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