Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring is in the Air....Instagram for Android!

It's been sunshiny around these parts...blossoms are out...birds are chirping & I'm LOVING it! I've been having lots of fun on Instagram getting to know NEW peeps that are now on IG via their Androids...can I hear a HOLLA? Love, everyone can play on Instagram! 

I've had LOTS of new peeps asking about the blog post I did on my TOP TEN fave Photo Apps....
well, here it is again...And, of course, I go through phases...I get hooked on a couple of them...use them lots & then find new ones or go back to old ones I love!  But, it's a sure fire way to get creative when doing your 100 Creativity Exercises! 
Such a fab creativity tool....have fun with the apps...share them with others & you will become MORE creative! Like...for this one, I LOVED how Pixlromatic has the photos on this cute clothesline when you preview it...
But, it's not offered as a 'frame', at the 'preview' stage, I simply took a screen capture of it & THEN uploaded it to Instagram! I love how it turned out!

And....I'm having fun importing my photos from my phone onto my computer to use Rhonna Designs these Easter Stamp Art brushes & Easter Celebration Bouquet it!
Happy Spring...enjoy the day!

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