Monday, April 16, 2012

cReative Team Tuesday....inspiration

This week, just sit back & enjoy the eye candy from Jamie & Nancy. They've created some lovelies for us to get inspired with Rhonna Designs.
Jamie created some word art that is simply deeeeevine. I just adore all of these!
 The cut out butterflies from A Year To Follow Your Heart kit plus her amazing use of the Easter Bouquet brushes on this Junqued Frame....oh my...FABULOUS!
 And...*gasp* This Easter word art is soooo sublime. I spy some Chevron kits, Easter Bouquet & some of the Spring Circus...oohhh de.lish.
 Add some Punk Junque kits with some of the quatrefoil & honeycomb pieces & you've got something amazing! Love it, Jamie!

And...LOVE that word art with that cute Easter Bouquet birdie with a top hat & fab!

And I'm loving this fab digital scrapbook layout Nancy created of her niece...isn't it gorgeous?
I am in LOVE with how she used the Chevron Tool Kit to create the background, then used the Easter Bonnet Printable for the butterflies...soooo clever! With just a *splash* of the Spring Circus Borders for good measure. la. LOVE it, Nancy!

Sooo excited because of few of the Creative Team members will be at a Bloggers conference called SNAP! here in UT! and I LIVE so close to,  I get to hang w/ these lovely girls! so fab!
Thanks again, guys are all amazing!!!!

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