Tuesday, April 3, 2012

cReative Team Tuesday & guests!

This week I wanted to share some things from my amazing Creative Team members AND some Rhonna Designs guests!
Rosemary is always amazing me...she's throwing an Easter Egg Decorating party & look at how cute her invitation is? I love it...I want to go! *wink*
She used the Spring Circus background papers along with the Spring Circus borders & i LOVE the Lulu Font!

Nancy created these cool banners & a 'happy' board for her cubicle at work...love her Instagrams!
See how she used the Easter Celebrations Printable? Along with the A Year to Follow Your Heart, Spring Circus Card kit & the cute Easter Celebrations Stamp Art Kit for her little inspiration cards. LOVE it!

Altaira McComb posted her project on Instagram & I about fell out of my chair...she sent me these photos...go on over to her blog for more info...she's truly uplifting & inspiring with Rhonna Designs!

LOVE how she used the Spring Circus Bundle kit to create a unique & gorgeous home decor piece! Amazing, Altaira...thanks for sharing!
And, Danee Kaplan is always creating with Rhonna Designs....she sent me these Lollies in Feb. & I am in love...they are so pretty...she's amazing!

Thanks again, everyone...you are all amazing & are sooo uplifting & inspiring!  Love it! Happy Day!

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