Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Creativity Week: Inspiration, Perspiration, Innovation & Creation

This week's Creativity Team Tuesday is a little different...instead of focusing on what my Creative Team created with Rhonna Designs, I wanted to take this whole week & focus on what Creativity does for me, for my team, for YOU! 

While I was at Snap, I had the chance to talk to a lot of women...one thing I heard a LOT was: "You are so creative!"
then came the comments ....

"I wish I was more creative."

"I'm just not a creative person."

"How do you find time to be creative?"

"You must have been born with creativity."

I came home with my head spinning, my mind running with ideas & got so excited to share Creativity Week with everyone here on my blog!

  I want to share some of my thoughts I've been having about CREATIVITY! & my creative process...not the actual execution of my art & designs, but HOW I get to where I feel creative & can actually create!
because...let's face it...I can't live without it!

This week's posts will go hand in hand with my 100 Creativity Exercises Workshop on my site. And, we'll talk about creativity in general...whether you are a writer, painter, seamstress, vocal performer, actor, blogger, runner....YOU can be creative in your own area of interest.

In my 20+ years of focusing in creativity, I've found that there are 4 essential components to it all:

So...join me this week....inspiration WILL find you! 

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