Thursday, April 12, 2012

Be Your Best....Mom's Best.

As a woman & mom....everyday,  I think to myself: 

And, sometimes I have one of those days where I just feel like I need to be empowered? I am out of gas. I need to be lifted up by other woman? Ya know?
I have several groups of friends that I adore. And we make it a point to get together in real life to just BE together.
You know...empower each other. 
uplift & inspire each other...
so that when you leave, you feel like you can conquer the world!

Sadly, sometimes it's just not realistic & we can't get, virtual friendships & communities really help...That is the main reason I started Rhonna Designs. So, women all over the world can feel uplifted & inspired no matter where they are!
The store is a place for my designs to uplift & inspire others & here, my blog, is a place to share ideas to uplift & inspire. But, I only cover the creative side. 

Well, guess what?
I'm excited to share this NEW site that's all about MOMs & being our best! Mom's Best Network!

I am a contributor & excited to be a part of this amazing group of women & moms! I mean, check it out! giveaways for Mom's Hot Products. Mom's Best Media. & on the main site.... 
All things that are sure to uplift & inspire all of us in most aspects of our lives! ...a site that is dedicated to helping us be our best! 

After all... 
We are seeking.
We are striving.
We are in it with all my heart.

Today. WE will be our best. 

Thanks, Mom's Best...looking forward to being uplifted & inspired!

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