Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Crafting with Vintage Indie

I LOVE Gabreial over at Vintage Indie...have you checked out her site? It's always uplifting & inspiring~ 

So, when she asked me to be a part of her Creative series, I was so excited! 

This project can be done with children, by yourself, or as a girls' craft night! Super easy & fun Spring Decor in minutes!
Supplies Needed: 
Natural Branches
floral foam
1 1/2 scalloped circle punch or round punch (optional)
Easter grass/paper shred
birds, flowers, butterflies, mushrooms....anything 'Spring' that you have around
Glue Gun/Glue sticks
glue/mod podge
Note: Easter Sayings comes with many letters that can spell various words: Celebrate, Spring, Happy Easter, Spring Has Sprung, Beauty, Happy Spring.
1. Print out Spring Circus Papers, die cut into butterflies, add glitter to the edges.

2. Cut out Leaves & Butterflies w/ die cuts or hand cut.

3. Print out Easter Sayings, punch w/ a 1 1/2" scallop punch, glitter around edges. (If you don't have a circle punch, just letters out in rectangles & snip a 'V' in the bottom to create a little banner)
(dip in glue or modpodge & dip in glitter)

4. Hot glue letters onto twine. set a side.

5. Gather supplies & put together the branch by sticking it into the floral foam in the bottom of the container.
(You may need to secure w/ some hot glue)

6. Add Easter grass or paper shred to the base of the branches.

7. Get creative by adding a dab of hot glue directly onto the branch & adding the leaves & butterflies you cut out. At the base, add flowers, tags, butterflies, birds...whatever you've got on hand.

8. Tie the 'Celebrate' banner onto your branch & step back to enjoy your creations!

Voila! A touch of Spring can be added to any corner of your house, office, or studio! Enjoy!

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