Tuesday, July 10, 2012

creative team tuesday: hybrid cards & invitations

Taking my Rhonna Designs art & creating hybrid cards & invitations is on the agenda today! Creative Team Member, Jamie Pate, created this gorgeous card out of my Nautical Chic line! ohhh la la!
Go on over & read her blog post about how she felt/feels about Nautical Chic. I am so loving her thoughts on this- a perfect Creative Exercise! It's fun to be on a Creative Team & really push your creativity to a new level by taking a product & figuring out how to use it to be YOU...I love her cReative results!

And, her festive banner using Nautical Chic is simply scrumptious! You can SEE her cReativity coming out in this & really pushing her creative boundaries...LOVE this so much! So festive & amazing! 
The fun thing about designing these kits is that I try to stay true to my own style, but also evolve & take on something that is a bit different...that's how I keep things fresh in my creative mind so I don't get bored with the same ol' same ol'...& Jamie's doing it here, too! Thanks so much, Jamie!

Speaking of kicking it up a notch & going out of your comfort zone to evolve creatively, I have designed some new kits that will be up in the store this week! (If you haven't signed up for the Rhonna Designs Newsletter, make sure you do *right under my signature balloon*...you will be alerted when the kits go up AND there's usually a discount in there for newsletter subscribers only! *grin*)
I am giving a dear friend a Bridal Shower & designed these fun invitations....along with banners, tags, & all sorts of Party necessities! Again, a bit different, but evolving & still my 'Rhonna' style!

aaand....I've got some very fun dingbat FONTS that will be released...perfect for your Instagram needs with Phonto! *wink* 
o.k...off to create! 

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