Tuesday, May 19, 2009



Some days I need a little
inspiRation trip... but, don't have time to just pick up & leave. These are the days i LOVE the internet! With the clickity click o' the mouse I can be taken away to the most amazing places.

Like this! Oh my! How cool is this video?

Or above:
Amy Atlas
Glamarella Junk
Anthropologie Catalog
& of course, decor8

Or just hop on over to Paris....

to my fave little boutique that is sooo chock full o' inspiRation I can hardly stand it! ** I still have to share the story of this store with you....i got the most amazing outfit there on my trip! oo la la!

ok...my head is buzzing with inspiRation...off to cReate!


  1. I so love those pictures, the colors are awesome!

  2. Love the colors! I love all the stuff on your House of 3 site but I'm not computer savey enough to use things. I did order a chandelier kit...I think I can manage to put it on glass! Do you have some tuttorials planned for the future to help get some of us started? I bought an invitation kit a while back but couldn't get it to work. Don't think I have the right program. (Photoshop?) May be I just need to take a class of some sort. Can you recommend one on the internet to help me? Thanks!

  3. And we simply come to your blog and your partners in crime and get inspired! Thanks! hugs from Conroe TX!

  4. So funny that you say the exact same thing I say about you and the other ladies of Hof3! Sooo totally inspirational I can't hardly stand it! :D

  5. I need to send you the photos of him dressing you in that little outfit!
