Wednesday, May 27, 2009

cReative your best!

I've got some cuuuute fab friends that are graduting this week from high school! The House of 3 Graduation kits are perfect! They are offered in feminine & masculine vibes. Love them both. But, this girl kit was perfect for little gifts for each of them! The kits include an announcement, invitation, wrapper, thank yous & addy labels...everything for a great Grad! I used the wrappers here on big candy bars, but you can also use them for bottles **their fave sodas or even on big bottles for the big Grad party!**And using the kits for the actual Grad fun is that? print out as many as home or take them to Costco or an online lab...voila! You are done! super easy & fun!

Janet has some fab ideas, too! Check them out here!

I'm in love with this quote! I found it in my inbox from Compendium
this morning. totally inspired me to do my BEST today! lots going on....& it's always easy to feel overwhelmed with it all, ya know? so....go for it! be your best today!


  1. I love your new blog look! Beautiful!

  2. Adorable! I hate that I'm at an office all day long when I could be home creating! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  3. Love all of those ideas.....also what elements did you use to make those pictures so pretty? The white brushed flowers?? Have an awesome day!

  4. Any chance you can get those modified to say 2010 so those of us thinking about it for next year can get started, our graduations where all last week, next year DS's is the 20th and DH's is the 7the of May
