Thursday, May 28, 2009

new summer seRies...

won't you please join me in my DIY (do-it-yourself) Summer Projects Series??

I'm rampin' up for the summer.....i love it! My kids & I have big plans for doing a project a week. BUT...our purpose & goal is to get super cReative & re-purpose items around the house in a cReative way:
home decor
function get it.

Our goal is to
buy as little as possible to re-create as many projects as we can this summer!

so, I wanted to throw it out there & see if anyone wants to join in!
no pressure.
totally fun.

To get started.....I need a visual reminder of my goals.

So, I just printed this door hanger out on House of 3's French Oo La La paper, cut out & added my top ten things I wanted to do this summer...obviously each week we'll do more,'s a start!

So... DIY Summer Project No. 1 is:
re-doing T's room w/o buying anything new.
She's a girl who knows what she wants.
very modern, cool vibe.

first things' first:
gather inspiration! So...I made up this just to get some ideas flowing.LinkLinklove this vibe. clean. fresh. funky!
Thanks to domino magazine, apartment therapy, brocade home, design sponge, & style me pretty for their endless 'inspiration board' inspiration!

Now, I've made up some 'inspiration' lists that I'll add the to-do's on for each DIY Summer Project!

*squeal* I'm sooo excited! I love it!
LMK if you're in!
we'll have FUN in this pRocess!


  1. Great idea! And I feel SOOOooooo lucky, as I just got one of your free downloads!!!! I feel like I won the lottery! Thank you.

  2. I'm loving this! Count me in! smiles...

  3. Rhonna, count me in. I love this idea!!! Door hanger is AWWWWWEEEEESOME!

  4. Count me in! And I got one of the downloads, too! Woo Hoo!

  5. Count me in! Thanks for the download! My first to do was to create a new blog header and background and can mark that off my list! Used some of your new French line! Love that I can reuse all those files for so many things! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  6. Thanks for the download! This is such an awesome idea!! Count me in!

  7. I am so in....I have already begun..I'll send some pics when I am done...woo hoo!

  8. Fab-fab-fabulous! I love it, even got the freebie for a change (I always miss them). Yippie - I can squill too! I am. Great idea, I'm in.

  9. I'm in too, Rhonda! LOVE the door hanger - can't wait to print some off once I get home. Thanks for the freebie!

  10. Thanks for the door hanger. You Rock!

  11. Thank you Rhonna, looking forward to seeing what you do.

  12. Oh, I'm soooooooo in. I've already made a huge list of stuff I'm doing this summer. BTW-on the color scheme thing, check out some wedding blogs, they always have good color inspiration ideas. Check out Snippet & Ink and Once Wed.

  13. Yes, I would love to do this! This is so awsome! Thanks for the Free Door Hanger, I will print More of these out for other reminders I need as well!

  14. Yup.. I totally can use this. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  15. I'm in I'm in I'm in!! This is just the kick in the pants I needed to jump start my Summer projects and what better way then a free download! I will be creating this bad boy tomorrow FOR SURE!

  16. I am "The Queen Of Re" Reuse, Repurpose, Reclaim and Reinvent

    You can count me in on this project.

  17. it won't let me download! guess I got in too late tonight after working in the yard. :-(

  18. Bummed that I missed the download but I'm totally in! Thanks for the jumpstart...I needed it.

  19. How did I miss this? :( Totally cute idea. I need to make one of those lists. xo

  20. Not a good way to start! I missed the download so I can't even make the list :(

  21. Love this...couldn't get the download though:{ Count me in...I need structure and accountability so this will work for me.

  22. I'm in... Your not buying anything new!!! I need this inspiration....

  23. Love it, love it, love it. What my father passed on to me is everything you have or find can be used for something, course he was a bit extreme on his idea, which I found out when I had to clean out his garage and home when he passed. But the concept is definately one I've carried on with in moderation of course. always looking for those rock bottom clearance red tags! Thanks! I'm onboard for sure! I purchased 6 shelving units from a local scrapbook store that went out of business, 3ftx10ft tall. 10 glass shelves in each one and recessed lights in each one. I Remodeled my entire master bedroom closet. Turned out awesome! My husband loved the idea as the custom closet company wanted $4,200 to do what I did for $1000, and I DID IT. Pix on my facebook. thanks Rhonna!
