Wednesday, May 20, 2009

your mission if you should accept....

is to:

do it.
cReate something.

look around your studio or creative space.
**spruce something up.

**finish a project.

**paint a fresh coat on something.

**take a photo.

**clean it up!

do something to cReate something that wasn't already there.

I had a restless night last night. A lot of things on my mind...try a gabillion things on my mind...& sometimes this is when my best thinking occurs. my best inspiRation!

I jumped out of bed **yea, those that know me well, don't laugh** family scripture study first, then worked out, then got ready for the day...


i had such a pRoductive morning. the kiddos get home soon, but I"m feeling so excited. spray paint, computer print outs & dangles...das all I'll say!
I did some fun things...I'll have to post pics real soon...

but, wanted to issue this same challenge to YOU, oh bloggers!
cReate today!

it.feels. good.
p.s. go over & wish Janet a Happy Birthday, ok?


  1. You tease you! I wish I was at home creating instead of working at my desk on past due invoices. Maybe when I get home!

  2. i love your go-for-it-attitude.. you are awesome.

  3. blog's name is 'create something'. Too funny! I'll accept that challenge/mission. I'm going to do a few things, take some pics, work on a long over due mini album and...who knows what else.

    I ditto hks' your attitude. :) thanks for inspiring us!

  4. you'll have to share your creativity with us:) Can't wait to see!

  5. Oh, Rhonna, YOU are AMAZING!!!
    I really admire your creativity and your amazing amount of ENERGY! WOW! Wish I had just a little piece of it. :)
    Wish you a happy, wonderful weekend.
    BIG hugs to you my friend

  6. I didn't create on the day you posted this but lately I've been bursting with creative thoughts and ideas and feeling this inspired just really leaves me ready to go :)
