Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday happiness....& a winner!

Happy Friday!
and...random counter said it was Kerry (scrappinchic) who's the winner of some House of 3 goodies! Congrats, girl! All of you are seriously doing a fab job with Jessica's class! Love seeing the Hof3 Sample kit being used in so many ways! WTG! Be on the look out for more House of 3 specials with Jessica!

busy time. Lots to do for next week:
  • Prep time: I'm enjoying getting our presentation finished for this week's Moms Who Make it Conference. For all you locals, get your tickets. It's going to SERIOUSLY be a very inspiring day! I'm so excited!
  • Exercise Time: As promised, I'll be talking more about cReativity, ruts & how-to get out of them this next week. Still tweaking & getting it all right.
  • inspiRation Time: Getting a fun inspiRation project ready! complete with giveaways! Check back next week!
  • It's Time: ...for a new laptop. I'm so excited to caress &cuddle with my new Macbook Pro! yes...i do love me some new technology! & I'm in desperate need of a faster machine!
happy weekend, everyone!


  1. Hi Rhonna!
    Thank-you soooo much for the Goodies!!! My daughter went crazy... "Mom their perfect for my room"!
    Also wrote a little bit on my blog about you and your creative talent!
    Cheers Girlie!

  2. aw, are so wonderful. thanks so much for your fab & funky bit on your! *blush blush* thank you!!!!

  3. Yay, Rhonna! You got a new mac book pro!! I'm still trying to get used to mine because I am new to MAC. I'm in the northwoods camping and still able to get a connection. Woohoo!

  4. Ooh...I'm getting my MacBook Pro Tuesday or possibly Wednesday. So exciting!!!!

  5. Hi Rhonna,
    I love the way you and Heidi use a collage to showcase a few pics with the same theme. Do you guys use a template?

  6. crystal, thanks! we do our collages for personal fun, but we'd certainly be open to offering some in our store! any requests?

  7. Have a wonderful week my friend.

  8. Definitely a request for some of your colleges that you do! Thanks!

  9. Rhonna,
    Any collage template will do. I love them and will be the first to download. Thanks, C
