Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Q & A: **digital bRushes**

First of all. I love digital brushes. I remember the first time I discovered them. It was about 6 years ago & I stayed up all night. playing. with my jaw on the floor.

6 years later & I have learned a ton about brushes. I use them every day. I make them. I share them. I save them. I download them. I am a brush addict!
Today's Q & A is about brushes.
...this time it's a question from an email:
Stacy asked:
I love your Rhonna Designs brushes! I have Photoshop 7 & so  your brushes don't work. I hate to miss out. Is there anything I can do?

Good news, Stacy! YES>>>>you can still use my Rhonna Designs brushes! You will just need to open up the PNG files & create your own brushes. Then, you can use them just as she shows you in the class!

1. Open your PNG image to create your brush.
2. Go to SELECT>ALL.
3. Go to EDIT>DEFINE BRUSH. Name your brush when the box prompts you.
Voila! You've created a brush!

**This doesn’t mean your brush is saved. You may still lose it unless you save it.

Saving Brushes:
1. Select your Brush Palette. Notice the arrow.

Select the arrow & you will see the drop down menu.

2. Here, you will see where you can Reset, Load, Save, & Replace your brushes.

Hit Save & you’ve saved your brush.

There’s tons more to the world of brushes, but this is a start.
**for another little video tutorial; check out this!

&...speaking of of my daily blog stops, Besottedgave a shout out HERE!
I love her brushes & love that she has the 'i'm very NICE' badge on her blog. She is. Very nice. She said some very kind things HERE!
So...the above image is one of her free flourish brushes along with some of mine. See how many cool, wonderfully fabulously scrumptious things you can do with brushes?
It will blow.


  1. What a fun blog and I love the artwork on your website...I need to spend more time reading your instructions about the digital brushes..., thanks for sharing. Patricia

  2. I am loving the Jessica Sprague class! Thanks for the sampler kit! I'm loving it and can't wait to play with more digital elements!

  3. I think I fell of my chair and stopped breathing. THANK YOU!

  4. I am loving JS's class and learning many new things with digital scrapbooking. I have had limited time to play but the things I am creating are going on my blog at

    Thank you so much for the sampler kit! Can't wait to purchase some more to play with!

  5. Jessica's class is OH SO FUN. Love all the goodies you gave us! THANKS FOR THAT!

    I played around with just two simple elements how it turned out. I sort of cheated though - I used my own House of 3/Heidi elements...hope that's ok!

  6. Hey Rhonna,
    Thanks to the Hof3 for the GREAT sampler kit!! I also purchased the new DingBats how FUN!! Here is a link for the lessons I'm learning at JessicaSprague, thanks again.

  7. hi,
    i love your tutorials here and i am also having a great time with jessica's class... i'm not really that good in photoshop but i love every new things i'm learning with you guys...
    and the HO3 samplers are soo cool! BIG THANKS for that! can't wait to try out more techniques! I've posted my work on my blog at
