Friday, July 17, 2009

mom power, inspiration & a give a way

I've had many emails asking what Jefra & I talked about at yesterday's Moms Who Make It Conference. Our portion of the conference was about creativity.
We talked about:
  • Embracing your inner artist.
  • Getting the inspiration to get started on your goals & dream big.
  • Being brave & following your heart.
  • Learning new things & working hard.
  • Remembering your goals & not selling yourself short.
I have to say...this movie trailer got me totally pumped! Love this quote from it! totally inspiring to me!
We combined Jefra's amazing photography with my art for a slideshow. So fun to work as a team! Jefra is so amazing & it was such an honor to present with her. I had a hunch people would LOVE to hear Jefra's amazing insights & perspective, so I cut my part a little short cuz I really really wanted to have Jefra fill everyone with her goodness...& my hunch was right. She truly filled everyone up with creative inspiration! A*mazing...she is!
We gave away some House of 3 goodies (wall art & one of the bags) & a mini session with Jefra....lucky winners!

The entire conference was amazing on sooo many levels:
* meeting new & inspiring moms. locals & others that flew in just for the conference...
Josh & Rebecca from MomFaves were so fabulous to listen to & really emphasized the impact moms have on the world!

Sugar Jones is not only a sassy, fabulous speaker, but she's such a fantastic writer. I loved her latest entry! Read here: It was so fun to meet her & get to know her a little more!

* hearing amazing speakers that totally uplifted & inspired...Carrie Greer was a*mazing to listen to. She is such a strong, inspirational person & her story of 'Seeking the rainbow during the storm' had me in tears!

Laura Biswas was a great closing speaker...totally brought it all together. Thank you!

* learning new things....
&...the backstage bloggers were so FUN! So amazing how they do what they do! We had a crazy dance party at the end up on the patio of Noah's & oh my...I haven't laughed that hard for a few days! LOL! Thanks, dancing made it so fun!

check out all of these amazing women:
Crazi Beautiful
Cheeky & Swank
Raw Melissa
Project SAHM
Olive Juice & Co.

I could go on & on with every attendee I met ...every speaker I met & the 2 power moms for their vision & hard work: Quinn & Emily! Each person contributed such a wonderful part of the whole conference to make it one-of-a-kind! Quinn & Emily....a job well done..thank you!

And to the sponsors: a HUGE thank you! We KNOW these kinds of events couldn't be done without you! And as an attendee & speaker, I will be a life long patron! thank you!

so, be watching for info on next year's conference...I'm sure it will NOT disappoint!

In honor of all the inspiration & one of my favorite companies/sponsors...I want to share this book with you:
Soul Happy from Compendium.

It goes right along with everything we talked about at the conference. The book is filled with fantastic quotes that will certainly help your SOUL be HAPPY!
Compendium is one of my fave companies..dedicated to uplifting others. And they have graciously given me a few books to do a give*away!!!! So, leave a comment here on What makes YOUR soul happy & on Monday I'll give away some books...AND show you a fun way to use them creatively!

have a fab weekend!


  1. Sounds soo inspiring!Go MOMs!!

  2. I'm impatient to see Fame !! And this quote from this movie is just what I need !
    Thanks for the chance to win this amazing book !
    I cross my fingers ;-)
    PS: I'll be on vacations till 4 of august, please keep one book for me if by chance you picked me LOL thanks you sosoooooo much ! Smooches !

  3. I love inspiration. For me, it can come from others' personalities, creating, being in the mountains or at the beach and enjoying what all God has created, and also I'm inspired when I am learning something out of my league.

  4. Love your blog!! My soul is most happy when I'm relaxing with loved ones :) Away from work, negativity and always being sooo busy - just with my loved ones.

  5. Loving those inspiring quotes - we women are amazing!

  6. This book sounds great. My soul is most happy when I am enjoying my family and not letting guilt get in the way!!

  7. What makes my soul happy? Lets see. My soul is happy when:

    * I see my children enjoying each other's company.
    * I see my children being creative - be it drawing or molding the play dough.
    * I see my children do something that they've never done before and the look of accomplishment on their faces after they've conquered their fete.

    I love my children with all of my heart...They are my life!

    Thanks for the chance to win, Rhonna;)

  8. I think we all need a little inspiration every it a quote from a great little book...the sunshine through the rain...a song on your heart that woke you up...or the smile on a child's face. I love it when I *stop* to appreciate these things for their real worth and reflect on their beauty!!! Thanks for your sharing Rhonna!!!

  9. Wow and wow...what a great dose of inspiration! My soul is happiest when I am working in service of others and praying that I am bringing joy to God. Blessings, Bonnie

  10. What makes my soul happy? I am most happy when surrounded by my family and friends. I am most happy when I take warm clothes out of the dryer because I have a way to clean my family's laundry. I am most happy when I see my girls doing the laundry and laughing and talking while they fold and put away. I am most happy when I am finally sitting down and the dog comes and jumps up next to me on the sofa so I can scratch her tummy. I am most happy when we sit down as a family to dinner each night and bless the food.

    Thanks for the chance to win. CindyML

  11. Seeing genuine joy light up my son's eyes, glimpsing a smile stretch across his face or hearing a huge belly laugh erupting from deep within his soul makes my soul happy.

  12. The only thing that can make my SOUL happy? God. :o)

  13. So many things make my soul happy.

    My family, children,husband
    my friends

  14. the sound of my kids laughing!

  15. What makes me happy?
    Having my own craft room filled with possibilites.
    Having two great boy who have grown into two fine men.
    CUPCAKES - need I say more !
    Two four legged boys that are happy to see me even if I am gone for five minutes.

  16. My soul is at its most happiest when its absorbing the happiness that other people eminate.
    We all have the ability to create our own happiness but when you share other people joy - its so much better. Its like getting it for FREE xx

  17. PS: Still having doubts about the spinach ;)

  18. WOW...the energy must have been incredible!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  19. this was just the inspiration that i needed to hear today! thank you. sounds like a great conference - wish i could've been there.

  20. What makes my soul inspired? Seeing my children walk with the Lord and know that I am teaching them well; being at peace with the world around me; and seeing my creativity flow! Thanks, Rhonna, for a chance to win one of the amazing books!

  21. Sounds like a lot of fun!

    My soul is the happiest when I am with all my family...talking and laughing...everyone's guard down and everyone getting a long. :) Oh and eating the best food ever. Yum.

    Have a great weekend!

  22. I loved the show "Fame" growing up. I'm not sure a remake can make it justice...

  23. What makes my soul happy? My soul is happy when I am spending time with my family doing things, just the four of us, regardless of what it is and when I am creating.

  24. Love and kindness makes my soul happy.

  25. What inspires me is the creativity YOU, Heidi and Janet share with us creative JUNKIes at House of 3! You all share your energy with all of us and that is totally inspiring!

  26. when my children soul is happy!!

  27. My soul is happy when I am with my family and I am not distracted, I am just there with them. My soul is also happy when I feel I am progressing toward my goals.

    p.s. You are amazing!!

  28. My soul is happy when I am spending time with loved ones or out photographing! With the camera in my hand I am at total peace within.

  29. My husband and my daughter make my soul so very happy! :o)

  30. Wow! Love your word art! :)
    What makes my soul happy? A starbucks mocha frap for starters! LOL! Jk
    When I'm most happiest is when all is well with the world, my husband is happy, my almost two year old is cracking us up with his dancing, spinning and jumping. No tv on, no noises to distract or bother us, just us...enjoying each other at home. Its utopia...of course it doesn't last long...Sigh...

  31. Thanks for the inspiration and it's so true we are sometimes afraid to succeed and take a risk. What makes my soul happy is my faith and family. To enjoy the little things and to be grateful for what you have, not what you don't. I try to be inspired by the fact I'm alive and to just be myself.

  32. seeing new places really makes me happy

  33. Rhonna, thank you so much for sharing this! I haven't mentioned it in other comments I've left you but I own and operate 2 online companies. To see other moms doing what they love and making it is so inspiring to me! I'm thinking a trip to Utah next summer for '10 MWMI conference would be a great idea. Thanks again!

  34. My daughter is 25 years old now - for a few years she was a selfish brat (you know only child syndrome) but as time as gone on she has grown into an amazing women - gotten her masters degree in education and beginning to teach and think more of others instead of herself - this makes my soul sing with happiness!! Love you as always you are an inspiration!!!!!!!

  35. Absolutely inspiring!!! thanks for sharing us!

  36. My niece and nephews make my heart happy.

  37. Watching my kids laugh and enjoy being young makes me feel good. The simplest thigs are what make us happy.

  38. makes my mood happy which then in part makes the rest of my day happier.

  39. oh wow...those books look incredible!! *sigh*

  40. My soul is happy when I look at my family. I know that God has truly blessed me.

  41. It sounds like a wonderful conference. I wish I was local. I'd love to win a book.
    I have to tell you, I've been using your tutorials to play around in PSE. I'm soooo addicted. Thanks for all the inspiration & encouragement!

  42. ha ha, i forgot to write what makes my soul happy. (duh!)
    i love doing something creative everyday & my heart & soul are super happy when i do something creative with my kiddos :) nothing beats that!

  43. photography makes my soul dance!

  44. What makes my soul happy is sitting on the beach with a cool breeze blowing and waves crashing around me. If I have a good book to read - even better. Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. I loved the original Fame so I'm eager for the new one!

    What makes my soul happy? My husband he cares for me, supports me, makes me laugh, inspires me and loves me without question - if that isn't pure happiness then I don't know what is.

  46. What makes my soul happy, is when my son comes and snuggles me out of the blue and says, I love you mommy!!!

  47. Wow,
    Inspiration is all around us.Thank you for sharing!
    Margie Rowles

  48. Oh, Rhonna, please, please, please, can you give us some peeks of your slideshow? :-)
    Right now, at this stage of my life (empty nest), I am loving the extra time to browse the creativity of others that puts into me and inspires me!
    Thanks for ALL you do!

  49. my soul is happy ... when I called my mom in P.R. (i live in AZ) and recharge my life with all the stories we recall from our childhood. We can be on thr phone for hours and after that I tried to be the mother she is. thank you, Wanda C

  50. My soul is happy in the evenings when I have my 2 beautiful children, happily snug in their beds. They seem so satisfied and safe it reminds me of the simple parts of life.

  51. My wonderful little dachshund makes me soul happy and my life feel full!

  52. My 6 year old daughter makes my SOUL HAPPY! As a single Mom, day to day can be difficult and when WE connect - life couldn't get any better. Thanks for your inspiration and beauty!

  53. Such a wonderful idea to honor moms and the hard work that is involved. What rocks my soul is listening to others and their sharing their gifts. Which by the way, you do. Thank you.

  54. So awesome! I love to paint and wish i could do it more!

  55. Love and need inspiration. I am happiest on the front porch sharing an ice water with the kids or hubby with the music playing in the back ground.

  56. Lately I have experienced alot of sickness and or death with people I know. A happy and healthy family feeds my soul.

  57. what makes my soul happy is love! friends and family around, a sunny day, or a rainy one (you may journal and read on those for example) being by the water, dream.....and chocolate!

  58. Music makes my soul happy, a song can bring back a memory, a great message, lyric or beat, classical to sooth.

  59. Doing something kind and unexpected for a friend and then seeing their happiness and appreciation and knowing they needed this attention and pat on the back today. Donna

  60. It makes my soul happy to retreat to my backyard. It's small, but at this time of the year it is full of trees and flowers and herbs and birds and fish and the pond fountain is very refreshing to my soul.

  61. Getting hugs & big smiles from my niece & nephew makes my soul happy!

  62. after suffering with PPD I realised it was not my head that was so sad but my soul.
    Having felt that intense sadness and pain in my soul I appreciate my soul flying even over the smallest things. It could be a song on the radio or feeding the ducks with my son......a church service or a still moment on the sofa.

    Being happy in my soul is something I will always cherish......x

  63. Well for starters reading your blog always makes my soul happy. But honestly everytime I dig into a project and get all inky and painty and messy and create something that makes me happy and soul sings for days. Thanks for helping us remember that!

  64. Oh, Rhonna, You are amazing. Reading your blog allways makes me happy :)

  65. Lately I've been kind of down on myself, so what really comforts me now...
    is to complete a project and have it sell. It's so comforting to know that someone else also appreciates something you've put your heart and soul into.

  66. You are such a big insperation to us all.

    My soul is most happy when I am together with my family, husband and four kids - and everybody is healthy and happy - just being together.


  67. I love your inspiration tags! How about making these for purchase in the shop?!!! ;)

  68. My children and grandchildren make my soul happy! The book looks wonderful and I'd love the chance to alter it a bit and personalize it for a special someone.

  69. I love your giveaway and this quote is perfect for the pantry at work's board! My soul has not been happy latley trying to get out of lots of funk and besides catching up on blogs and getting inspired I love to go to Michaels and Target...thanks foar all your inspiration! Grace

  70. My soul is happy when I am creating in my studio ... thanks for the chance to win.

  71. what makes my soul happy?
    my kiddos, my man, scrapbooking and chocolate!!

  72. Great giveaway!!
    My soul is soaring and happy when:
    *I can create and know I have left a legacy for my children.
    *it's a sunny day and I can work in the garden and hear the birds chirp.
    *when my children put their arms around me and tell me they love me without me saying it first.
    *when I can make others happy and smile.
    *when I can be in nature.
    *When I can get through a day and know I have done the best I can do and been a good mom, wife and friend.

    Thanks for the chance!

  73. Love the sound of those books :)

  74. Your weekend sounds like a fabulous time...lucky you. Sunggling with my boy makes my soul happy.

  75. It makes my soul happy when for those few moments in life, I've been able to stop comparing myself to others and in that moment I'm able to genuinely, like and appreciate myself just the way I am!

  76. My husband, journaling, traveling, practicing Meditation, spending a day with my friends, and a time of pampering, and knowing that I do make a difference all make my soul happy!

  77. I love all of the Compendium books. So inspiring!!

  78. Art and paint makes my soul happy!

  79. Looking at the family I have raised and watching them each in thier own way succeed. Watching them with their own children knowing that I had a hand in forming their ability to be good fathers and a good mother. Happiness for me is knnowing I gave everything God gave me to my children. Happiness is seeing my grandbabies smile as a result.
    (I'm 43 having been given 5 grandchildren in the past 2 years. I am truly blessed!)

  80. My soul is happy when in the company of others... family, friends, strangers, students - it doesn't matter.

  81. Wow, it sounds like you were totally inspired by the event, wish they had something like that here in Florida.
    I also love Compendium books and would love to add this one to my growing collection. Being a mom makes my soul happy, it is my number one calling, but I also love creating, reading, and just enjoying life.
    By the way, love the new storyboards, just did my first one yesterday and put it on my blog. Love it, I am totally addicted to it and will be making a bunch of them! Love the House of 3 and what you ladies are doing there, inspiring, creating and spreading good things in the world. You girls Rock.

  82. What really makes my soul happy is music from my youth - late 60's and early 70's soft rock in particular. I LOVE to craft with this music playing in the background.

  83. Rhonna!!! You & Jefra's presentation at MWMI '09 was FANTASTIC!!! I am still running on inspiration from it. Thank you so much!!

    My soul is happy when I follow that inner voice & paint my life the way my heart tells me to, rather than what my mind, peers or even family may suggest.

    Such a fun giveaway! You make my soul happy, Rhonna! xoxo

  84. blogs and photography make me happy!!! thanks for the chance to win!


  85. This is so cool. Spending time "doing nothing" with my kids makes my soul happy -just being with them and feeling like I'm not rushing somewhere.

  86. a smile from my 2 months baby girl! but learning new tehniques and some scrappy times which is rare these days, feels awesome

  87. What makes my soul happy is when I am "in the moment" with my kids, soaking them up...not letting my mind wander to all the things I need to do.
