Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Q & A::Frames

First question comes from Jen...
Q: jen said...

Yes! First! Alright first, you are just too darn creative! That july kit is justLink amazing!
Secondly my question is: When you post pictures on your blog, you have great framing overlays for them. Are you creating them from scratch, getting them from Hof3, etc? Details! :D Especially the one on "Monday's goodness" post. Thanks!

A: rhonna said...
Most of my blog frames already exist...I use House of 3 frames! Here are some of my faves:
Negatives Kit.
Rounded Corners Kit.
Rounded White Corner Kit
Ornate Frames Kit
Round in Circles Frame Kit
House of 3 Frames Kit
& if I don't want a full frame border...these House Edges are so fab. I like to stamp just 1 or 2 sides for added interest!

But, the one I used for Monday's Goodness was created from scratch. Meaning..I simply used a bunch of brushes I have created & pieced them together.
Details: It's a lot faster to use the pre-made frames & very rarely do I make them from scratch! When they are brushes, simply refer to this tutorial for guidance. When you have colored or black PNG files, go here!
More help:
Here's a tutorial on how to use the Rounded Corners Kit!
>>>>Tips on Brushes.
more answers to come....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for answering my question. I do have the house of three edges and use them often! :D I normally throw brushes together but was wondering if there was anything/any place you were going for those. I am saving up for those framing brushes though. They are awesome.
    So now that I realize I'm once again the first poster, I feel a bit stalker-ish...

  3. Thanks for the info - this is so helpful. I also have a Q: How do I get rid of the transparent background around the outside edges of the framed photo, because if i save the file as jpg, i have a white background block which spoils the whole look of the framed photo? example on my blog of my last post.

  4. Thanks for the info. I am totally loving the House of 3 and all the goodies.

  5. Are there by any chance instructions for elements users? I don't have some of the options in the layer tab and am having some troubles. Help!! Thanks-Kelly

  6. Hi Kelly!
    for PSE users, there are some great free PSE tutorials from my friend Sande Krieger. Her blog is:
    She has her links on there!
