Friday, October 30, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about creativity lately...the highs & the lows. Everybody has good days & bad, right? But, we can't afford to be in a low for very long. Not just business wise, but emotionally.

I've been super busy...between getting ready for our big event: Spark> to working with Heidi & Janet on our House of 3 products/projects/ideas> to getting ready for Halloween with my kids> to church callings> to family responsibilites....yea. you get the picture.
We are all like this. I'm no different.

This is why I seriously rely on my Creativity Exercises. It keeps things all together for me. Personally, they boost my creativity & they've become a habit for me. But...when I hear things from YOU...about how these exercises are affecting YOUR just makes me smile.

I asked if I could share a few because they inspired me!

Brenda emailed & said:
Dear Rhonna, I just wanted to share with you that you have inspired me beyond belief...I participated in your 21 DAY CHALLENGE and purchased your creativity exercies...I am actively incorporating both into my daily life...

I have become so much more creative and I have learned so much about myself....I have been digging deep to become more creative and I have learned so much more about my Photoshop program and making my own creations with my program....

I also have become more creative with my photography...It is amazing how you can see things in a more creative way.... I just felt the need to share this with you and the difference all of this has made in my life....

or this one:

Hey Rhonna! I don't have a blog so I couldn't post or share during your 21 Challenge, but I just wanted to tell you what's going on in my life right now.
I've had a hard time with my creative self esteem lately. I've been down. Everyone's been down. Times are tough right now.

But, during your 21 Day Challenge I discovered that creating truly makes me happy. And even if I'm down I need to force myself to focus on things that can make me happy. It's my choice.
So, after the 21 Challenge I decided to buy your creativity exercises & see if they would help me. They did.

So much more than I could ever have imagined. I wanted to start a blog just to tell people about these amazing exercises! But, no one would have looked at it, so I wanted to email you & ask you to tell your bloggers about how much I love the creativity every single day.

Not only has it boosted my creative self esteem, but it's also helped me in so many other areas in my life. I am so thankful for your willingness to share these exercises with us. I know in the creative community some are very stingy with their 'secrets', but you share them & I thank you for that. My life will never be the same.

Thanks so much!

Julie about humbling. thank YOU, Julie & Brenda for sharing this. I am so thrilled that you love them as much as I do!

enjoy this weekend...creatively! I agree with this quote...creative power brings the whole universe in order...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

exciting news!

Today is the launch for Wacom's Penscrappers. And, I'm soo excited & honored to be a part of the team! It's a new & improved site geared towards educating, inspiring & sharing info about the Wacom tablet: Bamboo Craft!

Look at all of these talented digital designers! They are all a*mazing! And each of us has prepared video tutorials in the Learning Center, on how to use your tablet in designing & scrapping! watching...each month we'll have a contest/ challenge, free downloads & lots of cool stuff!
Wacom just plain rocks! They are one of our partnered faves on our House of 3 links page!
Love them!

And...speaking of House of 3, be sure to check out the newsletter going out....
a 25% gRatitude sale from midnight tonight until midnight Friday night!...perfect for those last minute Halloween buys!
Did you see what Heidi did with her Spooky Stairway? Love it!
And....I just posted some fun Haunted Lollies!
Check it out here!

have a fab Tuesday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

just breathe>>>happy birthday to me>>>DIY freebie prezzie!


what. a. week.
Don't get me wrong....I wouldn't have it any other way, but wooooo*eee! I'm plum tuckered out.

Tuesday we had a great House of 3 creative meeting...lots of fun holiday up our sleeve...stay tuned! And did you see Heidi's Gratitude cards? mmmm!

That evening's Spark Soireé was more delightful than I could have imagined. check out photos here: at Liz's blog>
Meeting so many local
Sparks was truly a treat...left me giddy for the Spark Event! So so excited! We did live Ustream...check out the party here!
Wednesday was filled with Spark, ichat...the works! We are planning so many cool things & surprises! (btw. registration closes on Monday!)
& today was my annual
half before my birthday.

.... it's become tradition to run a half marathon....just to do it! LOL!

so....bring on the
birthday celebrations. bright & early tomorrow morning...til sundown. Did I say I loved my bday? I love growing a year older.
a year wiser.
I love each season in my life.
I love the person I'm becoming.
I love the daily trials, blessings, experiences.
I love growing older.
It's cool to grow older, I've decided.
It's cool to have crows' feet.
It's cool to have laugh lines.
It's cool to grow up & be a mom & wife.

I think it's important to embrace the season we are in....right now. Life's too short to always be saying, 'I'll be happy when.....'
I think it's good to be happy
now. Happy with 42.

42. bring it on!
I love prezzies.
I love celebrating life.

so, happy birthday to me!
Let's celebRate together!

Here's a fun, RF biRthday freebie> a PDF download of birthday tags/! Print out on cardstock, sticker paper...whatever! & *bam*! Instant birthday greetings!
**note: to download freebie, you'll need to be signed in to Google. :)
**ETA: wow, that went fast. I exceeded my download limit.
Try THIS LINK NOW> 100 downloads.

Have a fabulous Friday! I know I will!

p.s. this is a great day for of my fave people is my b-day twin! happy b-day, miss t! xox

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spark Soireé:: tonight!

Yes. It's tonight! Our Spark Soireé!
In this case, it's not an evening party in a private house.... it's a private evening party at Dear Lizzie Boutique & Bistro! (which will feel like our private, magical house...complete with Sparkly chandeliers!)

Come & join us from 7-9pm. Here are directions to Dear Lizzie & we'll have the front door open to enter into this magical Boutique & Bistro!

For all of you out of towners, we'll be doing live Ustream so you will be able to check in & chat with us! We'll be sending you the live info, but plan on 7:30 Mountain Time!

And....our own Spark- Liz is on NBC's local Studio 5 this morning getting creative & pluggin' Spark!

And in fun news....House of 3 is getting ready for the holiday! If you aren't signed up for our Newsletter, be sure to get on the list! You won't want to miss the fun & inspiration!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Digital Design Class:: Let's Brush Up @ Dear LIzzie

Let's Brush Up Digital Design Class
Wednesday November 18, from 7:30-9:30pm
Class Fee: $35. HUGE Brush kit included
Skill Level: Intermediate Beginners & Up
Join me in the Dear Lizzie Bistro to learn about the world of digital brushes! This is a class where you will learn how to:
load digital brushes
use digital brushes
size digital brushes
color digital brushes
create digital brushes
save digital brushes
rotate digital brushes
space digital brushes

The class will
include an exclusive CD with 50 versatile & amazing brushes, a printed guide & step by step instructions so you can go home & practice.
And, I'll be showing & using Wacom Tablets (though, this is a class in & of itself!)

Don't forget the Dear Lizzie cookies & unlimited drinks! ....what a party!

**NOTE: This skill level, Intermediate Beginner, assumes you know your way around Photoshop. You know your Tool Bar, you know how to open up a New Document, create a New Layer, can find the Brush Tool, etc. If you aren't comfortable with this, you may feel lost & I do NOT want you to have a bad experience. I'll be teaching very beginner classes at a later date!

Questions/Answers about what you'll need: check here.

How to sign up:
Since this is a private class, & we'll have our laptops, class space is very, very limited
There are only 20 spaces available.
Email me quickly for reservations and on Monday, I will send you a payment request from PayPal that will secure your spot!

can't wait!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday Wow:: tons of creativity!

My creativity is
Sparked today & this made me shout WOW!
Cafe Press blog
featured this creative video yesterday! I'm humbled that they chose my art to bestow on this amazing Ukraine artist, Kseniya Simonova. Take 8 minutes & watch this video. Seriously. You'll be WOWed! It's a*mazing, touching, inspiring, moving....simply breath taking.

see? WOW!

p.s. 21ers:
1. I have NOT forgotten your pins...they will be sent out next busy! Please forgive me!

2. Check out the NEW stuff in my Cafe Press store...I had so many of you say you wanted the 21 quotes in various, you can choose which ones really spoke to you & get a journal,

a calendar,

or a mouse pad, or a mug...sticker, maybe? How about this quote on notecards?


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

good things. Tuesday.

Sharin' a few good things today that make me smile.

1. New House of 3 kits. The new
Gratitude Kits are in the store NOW. Printables & Digital. Papers, brushes, word art/tag sheet & even printable Cards & Place Cards...lovin' it...I can't help but feel grateful!

I did a quick layout about another thing that makes me smile today:

2. Pumpkin Butter. Yum. I'm not a huge pumpkin person, but oh my! This stuff is heaven. Thought I'd share the recipe on a cute House of 3 Recipe card (paper in background is another paper from the new
Gratitude Kits.)and, speaking of pumpkins.

3. Posh Squash anyone? Um...can these be any cooler? (images from Olive Juice Co.)
I just think Kim Hendricks of Olive Juice Co. is a creative genius & she's got these fab kits for sale. Could you DYE?

I'm super busy today...had a fab House of 3 meeting today & we are all just crankin' ! love that creative rush! fab is it to work with 2 other creative geniuses & get excited about it all together. *love iChat video* I feel so blessed!
So, I cranked the tunes...& today I'm in LOVE with:

4. Owl City's Ocean Eyes CD. just. makes. me. happy. This is one of those CDs that every. single. song is FAB!
trust me...9.99 is well worth the 14 amazing songs!
5. Spark. I'm feelin' it girls. Sparky. oh so Sparky. Excited about our Soiree a week from today! whoohhooo! Remember, it's OPEN invitation, even though it's a private party. Just RSVP to me & we'll get you on the list!

so...what's makin' YOU smile today on this glorious Tuesday?
share. I love to smile!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Manic Monday...

*whew* what a weekend! We had our Spark work meeting

filled with shenanigans...& it was so much fun....late night. lots of laughter. lots of creating. lots of mess...& I didn't even mind! I loved having everyone here at my house! So did my cute family! **yes, I'm a freak. I had to giggle at my shenanigans of the 'shhh'...& then showing my hands. You can't see, but they were BLACK! & Liz is just watching me like...'you are funny.'**yea. good times!Tons of fun with the girls. And...did you see the invite for the Spark Soireé at Dear Lizzie? Oct. 20, 7pm. Mark your calendars!

Jefra's inviting you to the party! *wink*

& Lizzy is saying...It'll be fab! make sure to RSVP, ok?

and....did you see this? My 2 fab partners, Janet & Heidi, of House of 3 are putting on an event in Texas this weekend! Oooo, it's going to be FAB! check it out here: or here. If you know these 2 ladies at KNOW it will be a day of creative wish I could be there!
Lots to do this week....
Welcome Monday...embrace the craziness!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Wacom...I love you.

I got the new
Bamboo Craft Touch in the mail today. Oh's a*mazing.
Doodles are a breeze. Crafting is a dream. Art work is so easy.
a *must* have.
draw. trace. be free. i love you, Wacom!

I'm gettin' crafty with my Spark girls tonight! Jefra, Margie & Liz are on their way to my house...craftin' up the goodie bags...oh my! You will DIE at these delights! So fun!...and looking for an email announcing the Spark Soiree! oo la la! a private party at Dear Lizzie...Oct. 20th! *mark your calendars* excited to meet all of you locals! mmm*wah!

happy weekend!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wednesday WOW:: October goodies

October is my favorite month.
So many things that WOW me every year...i just love it!

WOW No. 1: It's General Conference. I love being uplifted & was truly amazing. I feel so filled up & ready to be my best me. love that. I love the powerful Spirit that I feel when I listen to the speakers & feel the power in their words.

I love this particular photo above from the Saturday's Conference...for more reasons than one. My whole family was up here this past weekend & it was filled with fun, noise, memories, laughter, tears & the closing of a chapter in our lives that has brought so many blessings.
I feel forever grateful for the past six years!
WOW No. 2: It's my birthday month. (yes, I'm one of those that LOVEs to celebRate! all. month. long.) One year older. One year wiser. One year happier. One year healthier. One year younger! ha ha!
I fill it with my annual 1/2 Marathon, as many celebrations as I can fit in *any excuse for a party!*
42 seems so young! *wink*& again, I feel so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the amazing journey I've lived thus far. WOW!
WOW No. 3: Halloween. I love the crisp Autumn Utah weather. leaves. decorating. colors. & pumpkins! My digital kits make me so happy at this time of year....I took some of the kits, printed them out on clear sticker paper , added some jewels; stuck them to the white pumpkins. Add some Sharpie doodles in the mix & voila! Haunted House Pumpkins! I'm feeling grateful for the blessing it is to feel the JOY of the little things. WOW.

&...don't worry. I didn't forget to pick winners of the {21} Challenge boxes...I'm waiting for some of you to finish your journey...I'll post winners tomorrow! you all make me say WOW! And again, feeling so grateful for the new friendships I've made through this challenge. You are all truly amazing! Thank you!

P.S. Watch Oprah today to see another woman that makes me say WOW!

House of 3:: 2 for Tuesday

Today only. Buy 2 of our fab heart boxes for the price of one! oo la la! So many things to do with these things. LOVE them!

and...did you see the FREE templates that you can download & use? blanks: (large, med, small) & one with a quote; & some with fab swirls! FREE! print off on transparency or for the back of the hearts...enjoy!