Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog it forward....

Do you look at other blogs for inspiration? I do!

One of my favorite ways of getting a creative boost is other blogs. Some of my 100 Creativity Exercises involve this: blogg hopping for inspiration!

So, be watching on Wednesday for the start up of Victoria's blog mash up: Blog it Forward!
...she says: “the spirit of this is to share some new and maybe not as well-known blogs, so i hope everyone finds some new inspiration!

I'm excited to be in the group of 300 bloggers she's got from Wed, Feb. 10-Wed. Mar. 24th, be watching as the blog mash up plays out...surely tons of inspiration will abound!


  1. I love finding new things in old places that I didn't even know about! I will be sure to follow.

  2. Oh...sounds delightful!
    Will pop over.
    Did you receive my question about the signature Rhonna?
    Don't mean to bug you!

  3. Wow, this sounds like fun. I think it is great to visit other blogs to get inspiration and learn new stuff.
    So I will follow yes.
    Wish you a great day.
    Gunn :-D

  4. Sometimes we miss the greatest ideas and inspirations from not knowing about them. This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi, Rhonna,

    Wow, I love all the goodies here today. 'Talk about inspiration. Thanks with lots of hugs!

