Wednesday, February 10, 2010

fRee Blog Couture from the House of 3 and...NEW stuff!

We are having so much fun sharing lots of cool House of 3 Valentine ideas over in the Inspiration House.
And, LOVE is in the air...we *Love* our House of 3 fans so much...LOOK!
a free Valentine Blog Couture bundle....get it while it lasts!

and, many of you have asked about the cute mini frames I've been using here on my blog. Well, they are up in the store now! woohoo! I am in LOVE with these fun! There are 10 different versions in the kit. From a plain one (that you can add anything to or keep as is) to a whole set of 6, like Heidi used on her blog ! Loook how cute!

be watching the NEW section of
House of 3 as our NEW Birthday & Party stuff is going up little by little. I'm sooo excited about these kits. Seriously! Think: lollies, banners, buntings, word art...I mean OOOOO, the possibilities!

Don't forget tonight...LIVE TV! Heidi will be showing off how to use MORE House of 3 stuff for a cool project! mmmm!
see you tonight!

don't's day 1 of the Blog Mashup...tons of inspiration out there! GO!


  1. Rhonna - absolutely *love* the new stuff up at HO3!!! I've been creating like CRAZY with the Valentine's stuff, and now can't wait to get on some birthday things :)

    Thanks for keeping things so fun, fresh and cute! You make this hobby SO much fun!!!!

  2. Love all the new goodies you have and you know I will soon be shopping the HO3 store! Looking forward to tonight! I love the blog couture!! I might have to change back to that template just so I can use it. *wink*

    Hugs from Conroe, TX!

    p.s. thanks for visiting my blog, love that you love my stuff!

  3. Wow! Thank you for all of the amazing freebies Rhonna! You've truly outdone yourself...LOVE the new blog couture! I just got back into town so I need to hit the Hof3 store and do me some SHOPPING! Hugz from California!!!!

  4. Love and adore the new stuff! I especially like how you are offering the birthday fun in girl/boy colors! Having two boys, they will appreciate not having pink decorations. Comes at a good time because they have birthdays in May!

    Been adoring your videos this week too!


  5. Love, love, LOVE the new Hof3 goodies..have to fill my cart one of these days over there for sure! Thanks so much for the sweet freebie..LOVE it ;)

  6. You silly girl you! You make me smile BIG! Thank you!! Love your stuff.
