Thursday, February 4, 2010

Boost your Creativity Workshop...

Did you catch cute Liz on Studio 5 this morning? She was talking about *sparking your creativity* ( *did you see my cute wreath?* ) & she shared my 100 Creativity Workshop! Remember those cute strips o' paper in that jar? She even read one! fun...

well, I thought I'd better give you a whole dose o' info on these exercises...Let me tell you a bit about it...

These 100 Creativity Exercises are tried & true me. 12+ years in the making & something I use every single day as a creative person.

I have used them faithfully for the past 4 years, but have been fine tuning these ever since I was got my degree in Art Education *uh*hum* many years ago. At times, it seemed like I was in a rut more often than not. And as a designer, I just couldn't afford it. So I started these exercises. every day.

They have become a habit for me & I really do it out of habit now. It's part of my daily routine. And guess what?
It helps me so much. I have ideas coming out of my head faster than I can execute them. I'm overflowing & I haven't been in a rut for a long time! (knock on wood)

I had so many people asking me HOW do you stay creative? I can only cut & paste this info so much...LOL. So, I decided to share my exercises with anyone that
needs them. And it's perfect for anyone. anywhere. all over the globe! A workshop for you in your home!

If you already have a great creative mojo going & you are comfortable with your process & don't get into ruts..this isn't for you.

But, if you feel like you need that little
creative boost I've got 100 ways for you to kick it up a notch. The key is: consistency. Just like any exercise program, if you do it consistently you will see results. I can't tell you how long it will take to see the results because all results vary *wink* but, it will work!
So, this is how it works:
The online workshop is a download you will receive in 2 different links.
1 is a video of me in my studio just talking with you about how I keep my creative process you were there with me!
The other is a downloadable workshop kit, which includes:

100 Creativity Exercises (in easy to read/print PDF format)
1 exclusive RF true type font
6 PDF printable exercise sheets that will prompt you along the way
3 PDF sheets of visual sketches for various compositions/layouts
4 PDF/JPG sheets of embellishment print outs: flourishes, tags, & inspiration galore!

This kit does require a bit of tech-know-how in that you'll receive the links via YouSendIt & the movie is in Quick Time & the files are all in PDF or JPG. So, if this is confusing to you, you may want the pre-printed, cut & ready to go workshop.

It comes is a cute pizza box filled with all the items printed out, cut out & even on sticker paper to use! The video/movie & font will be in a DVD, so you will have to do some techy stuff! *wink*
But, basically, it's everything you need to take this creativity workshop...except the jar!
Your creative experience starts here:


P.S. Check out the Valentine WORD Banner tutorial in the Inspiration House!


  1. Awesome! I often find myself stuck and so this sounds like the remedy! thanks suga pie!!

  2. Hey Rhonna, has anyone told you lately that you Rock Bigtime!!!This looks awesome I have been considering buying this kit, now you have blogged about it its awesome I luv luv luv it. I can see the concept now and its brilliant. I will be purchasing it later tonite. I would also like to chat about how I can have you and your link and blog on my free creativity blogg. I'll be in touch...Thanks so much for your inspiration. Donna x

  3. AWESOME!!!! Great job on Studio 5 LOVE everything you do for us!!! :)

  4. i bought your creativity exercises on january 8th as part of some "before birthday goals" i set for myself. after spending a couple of weeks getting my jar all cutesy, i finally started doing them 3 days ago. LOVE them. thanks for your ongoing inspiration.
