Monday, February 15, 2010

House of 3 Happy Birthday Celebrations....

As promised....we are kicking off our House of 3 Birthday Celebration! Be sure to check out the Inspiration House & a little bit of what we'll be planning in the next little bit!

Janet, Heidi & I love working as a team & this year has been quite a ride & we are loving it! Thanks to everyone that has been with us since the beginning & welcome to all of our new friends in the House!


  1. this stuff is so stinkin' cute!
    i love love love it! I will tell Brooke to go get some! It's Maxie poo's birthday Sunday!
    fun fun!

  2. these birthday fames are so cool I have never done anything "digi" but I couldn't resist.I posted my project on my blog although it is not as good as yours I love it!!thanks for all the great ideas you rock
