Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One of my *favorite* things....

April Meeker.

Those of you that met me at CHA & know me IRL will know
I *heart* dressing up & feeling like a girl!

One of my favorite things is jewelry! mmmm...love a fab piece o' goodness!

so...I am here to answer many of your emails about 'the necklace' I wore at CHA pictured here:
isn't is scrumptious? 2 words:

April Meeker

She was one of our talented artisans/teachers at Spark. And WOW. She's a*mazing in her art! Just look at her website...oooh. ahhh. yea. you get it. She's so fab!

The necklace is so full of life & captures your eye!
Janet even wore it the next day
cuz it's just one of those statements that needs to be expressed as often as possible. I'd wear it every day if I could get away with it! *wink*

(thanks, girls!)
But, I was not prepared to give the credit where it was due. *so, many of you that I ran into I told you about THE April Meeker & how she makes this fabulously delicious jewelry...yes. SHE is the maestro of this necklace. You can find her store here....& you can bet she's got it stocked with new goodness...
I'm drooling over this bright fun one!

or this soft, romantic one.

run. do NOT walk to get your own masterpiece. She knows the art, believe me. They are beautifully done & come in THE coolest decorated vintage cigar boxes. Talk about class.
The girls' got it.

I love you, April!

1 comment:

  1. Rhonna, April Meeker turned me on to your blog and I've become a big fan. You people are such purveyors of good style. You are all so clever in your writing, which I love, but the imagery in your blog posts are like eye candy to me...I love it. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you www.ebsiblogdesign.com

