Tuesday, August 31, 2010

...this day will never happen again....

This is a quote that always pulls at my heart strings when I think of my kids.  Especially the First Day of School.
School is back in session & I'm still in denial.  I really do love having my kids at home during the summer...we had such a great time. They are all at such fun ages & we love being together. 

But, getting photos of them is difficult now. Admittedly, I've put them through many photoshooots that may have tainted their love for smiling for the camera.

So, for the first day of school I was lucky to get just a few good shots. I'm excited to get these blown up & printed on metallic paper. I'm in LOVE with Persnickety Prints. LOVE. They are
1. speedy 
2. gorgeous quality
3. friendly...they are just cool people!

So, I'm thinking blown up to a 12x12 & putting them in our huge glass frames you can see here. 
Wouldn't that be cool? I mean...come on...$1.99 for a 12x12 print?
yea....I think it's a great way to remember this day forever. 
Have a fabulous last day of August!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Home again, home again...jiggety jig.

Creative Escape was amazing. I've got to shout out a HUGE thanks to all the Bazzill people, Marty, Doug & family...& Franny, Mona, Carol & Lisa are a*mazing! THANK YOU!!!!!

We had so much fun in the House of 3 crop room...laughing, creating, laughing some more...& no sleep! LOL....but we did have a crazy time at the Live Webshow...it reminded me of this quote:
haha. i love this quote.  I leaped this weekend, that's for sure.  I loved having fun with all of you! We met so many House of 3 fans & some of you are coming to Spark, too! Margie was a teacher at CE so it was fun for both of us to meet our Spark Sisters & share our Spark with others! We are so excited!

I had many of you ask about my House of 3 apron....you noticed it was all sassed up! And it was done by my amazingly talented friend: Clarissa of Lady Ann Designs. 

I go *ga-ga* over her designs..seriously...look at these amazing aprons. ...be still my heart....

And....Emily was the glitter toe queen! We had so much fun getting all *glammed* up with glitter toes.

mmmmm....Em's amazing. So...if you are in AZ or UT, get a hold of Emily & make an appointment...
Thanks, again, Em!

Ok...tons to do for Spark...countdown is on! woohoo! Soo excited!
If you are coming, did you get the free House of 3 download for the exclusive Spark Kit? I"m giddy! It's so fun & can't wait to teach the mini class about it at Spark! We have a few spots left...it's not too late to sign up!  
Happy Monday!

Friday, August 27, 2010

LIVE webshow tonight from Creative Escape in Arizona

Please join us LIVE from Creative Escape tonight @ 10:30 p.m MST...time is different...so check out the Time Zones here.

It's been so fun to meet so many of our House of 3 fans and tonight they get to be part of our 1st Live Studio Audience! ...you can bet there will be dancing & refreshing beverages all around.
see you there!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Creative Escape or bust....

(created with House of 3's Fall Junque  & Magical Brushes kits)

 So...I'm busily buzzing around my hive right now doing a gazillion things...I"m feeling like the queen bee today. 
T-bird started school today & J & S start tomorrow...wow. Is it here already? Is summer over? Did I blink & it's gone? 
...take mental note on the cliche's truth: Time flies when you're having fun!
 Speaking of having fun....
I'm headed out to Creative Escape to join my House of 3 girls in our crop room!!  *and, don't fool yourself...i'm SO excited to see my Spark Sister, Margie, too! She's a fab teacher...can't wait!

A reminder: NO Wednesday Webshow this week, because we'll be doing it LIVE on Friday night from Creative Escape in AZ! All of us together! We are so excited.

And Thursday night I'll be teaching a mini workshop in the crop room:  *Magical Brushes* class with the CE House of 3 downloadable kit! Be sure you have it downloaded & ready to rock n...roll!

Ok...have a lot of buzzing around to do...I'll report back from CE! But, will be tweeting & facebooking along the way!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Check out the House of 3 blog today for a fun inspirational video & other goodies to inspire your hybrid crafting....if you haven't seen the Fall Junque stuff....oh. man...watch out. It's so fun!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

special day....

happy birthday to my dad...

love him for what he is.
& what he isn't.

love him for what he's taught me by living, not preaching.

love him for how he makes me feel...special.

love him for the way he makes me laugh. & cry.

love him for eternity!

Here's one of my favorite candid photos of him...He was among many amazing people & I love the look on his face here...thankful. happy. content. peaceful. he's my hero!

can you pick him out?
(photo from Oct. 2009 General Conference The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

My mom & dad are living & serving in Guatemala at the LDS Temple there...they love it. That is where they both served missions for our church when they were younger.  I love this message he shared with the world in 2004:

We come to this world in many colors, shapes, sizes, and circumstances. We don’t have to be rich, tall, thin, brilliant, or beautiful to be saved in the kingdom of God—only pure. We need to be obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. And we can all choose to do that regardless of where we live or what we look like.

Thanks dad, for always teaching me this through your love, obedience & your choices...happy birthday down there in Guatemala...I know what you are doing is the most important thing...serving & loving! And I know this is where I gain my happiness! We miss you!

Special pricing until midnight....

Friday, the 20th, at midnight, our special Fall Junque Bundle prices will vanish.
So, hurry...while it's hot!

aaaand, be sure to check out the House blog for a week of inspiration featuring all the goodies!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

*gulp* I think I'm in LOVE with Fall Junque....

seriously....this will *knock your sox off*...I'm busy creating little *one*of*a*kind* goodies for my kids for school! so fun...please join us tomorrow night for our LIVE Webshow...Heidi & Janet will BLOW your mind with the cool stuff they've created with all of the kits...mmmmm! Bring on Fall! It's time to Junque it up!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

*hear that* it's Sparks...they are a-flyin'....

You better believe it....Go check out Margie's class Sneak peek HERE>  Her project makes me giddy!

Talk about gettin' your SPARK on! ohhhh, so fun!

And, did you see Janet's class Sneak peek? Be still my Heart Strings!  

**ETA: Check out the new sneak peek of my mini class! Exclusive Digital Kit from House of 3...FREE for Spark attendees!
Be sure to check back bit by bit...the sneak peeks are trickling in to get you excited! And...be sure to check out THIS PAGE to know just what you'll need to bring to Spark...just basic supplies, but we want to make sure you've got it!

btw: do you like the graphic above?  hee hee...it's a little teaser for *sumpin' else* I've got up my sleeve...havin' a VERY creative day! :)
Hope yours is filled with fab things, too!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

summer scrapbooking series continues....

& tonight LIVE, the House of 3 will be showing you some fun ideas & inspiration AND even HOW TOs!
here's a sneek peak!

Join us in the fun! see you tonight! 8pm MDT right HERE!

Monday, August 9, 2010

DIY manila tag banners

As promised...here are some close ups of the cuuuuuute manila tag banners I showed on last week's LIVE Webshow!
So many fun fun little gems that are so easy to create with manilla tags, Summer Junque, crepe paper & the like!
doiley, fabric printed with Summer Junque Patterened Strip, scallop punch & Prize Ribbon Banner 'happy birthday' cut out & all attached to an elastic...super fast gift in a jar, box, bag...

Tags created with office supply manila tags, little lollies made with Summer Junque Patterned Strips, crepe paper ruffle and Prize Ribbon Banner Kit. Makes for cute, fast tags for just about anything!

Cute card created with the Summer Junque Patterened Strips printed out on printable fabric, sewn to create ruffles & then just glued to the card.  Add a folded doily, some strips from the Prize Ribbon Banner Kit (celebrate) & the Typewriter Notes n Quotes kit & voila! The below prize ribbon was attached to the top of this card.

 And I think this one was my favorite! A little Mini Banner that says ENJOY in the fab new Banner Word Kit...Just printed them out on white sticker paper, adhered to the little strips of the Summer Patterened Strips that I cut a little notch out. 

Then, I created the little lollies & adhered to small manila tags. I took a scallop punch & punched out the strips, folded in half & then sewed them all together with my sewing machine like we showed in the Webshow! Super fab for any occasion!

So....we have some fun Summer Scrapbooking pages ready to share for this Wednesday's show...join us! LIVE 8:00 PM MDT! HERE!

Creative Escape Autograph book....brought to you by House of 3

Did you see this fabulous book on Heidi's blog? It's the FREE downloadable autograph book for Creative Escape 2010.
The House of 3 girls will be there & hosting a crop room! We'll be sharing some tips & tricks & having FUN creating in the room! it's sure to be a party!  And...we'll be broadcasting LIVE from the Hof3 crop room at Creative Escape for our webshow....how cool is that?  If you're not going...run on over & check out the info! See you there!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Do you want to be inspired?

ok...watch this.  I have shared it before, but in all of our Spark planning & preparation, I have Spark on the brain. 


|SPARK| from Jmills ENT. Jeremy Miller on Vimeo.

Jeremy Mills was at Spark No. one. He captured the beauty, peace & creative bliss that we all felt....it was *magical*. It was seriously a one of a kind event...a once in a lifetime experience.

We all knew we could never, ever replicate this event, so you can imagine the challenge it's been to plan Spark No. two. We are so excited to bring a whole different vibe, look, energy & excitement to this new event....to get a little 'feel'....&  a hint ....check out our 'theme song' Circus Girl by Mindy Gledhill (& all of her new songs...go buy her CD once you've fallen completely in love! & yes, Nancy, you can get it on iTunes...that's where I got mine...listening to her now! LOVE!)

Create a playlist at MixPod.com

Did I mention she'll will be @ Spark on Friday night performing LIVE just for us! 
Did I mention we'll be out in the gardens, under the stars for this live *spark* concert? 
yea...um. excited is an understatement!

The whole event is to spark your creative soul....& as we all know...each of us are sparked by something different. That's why we love to do so many different things at the event...sparking with jewelry, photography, paper, fabric, paints, food, music .....all our senses come alive!
To end...here's the whole message that inspired the event from the get-go...it gives me chills...it makes me cry every time!
"the desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul"....
Won't you join us for Spark No.2?
I hope so!
There are still a few spots available..you won't regret the *spark* it will light in your soul!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

DIY project>>Summer Junque Webshow re*cap

It was so fun last night! Thanks everyone for joining us!  In case you missed it, you can catch the recorded version HERE. But, make sure you come & join us LIVE every Wednesday because you get to CHAT with everyone...it's fast & furious & oh. so. much. fun!

Ok, so, I'm waiting for good light to get some good pictures of the projects I showed last night. But, I DID take a picture of this little tag I made with the Summer Junque Strip Kit & the Prize Ribbon Banner Kit....let me tell you...it's soo versatile & I used it to make so many fun thing!

manila tag from office supply store
1 strip Summer Junque patterened piece
guinea feathers
elastic band
scalloped backer cardstock
1 small Prize Ribbon Banner *celebrate*

1. punch out 2 scalloped circles of cardstock. punch 2 small holes in 1 of the circles.
2. thread elastic through the hole & tie a knot. clip excess.
3. hot glue other circle on top to sandwich the knot. Voila! ...you have your elastic that you can put on *anything*!

1. cut out notch at the bottom of the manilla tag.
2. cut out 1 strip of the Summer Junque patterened strip & fold accordian style. * Follow Heidi's way of making it on the webshow! LOL...when they are that little her way is easier!*
3. hot glue middle, fold in accordian to meet & create a circle lolly.
4. cut out Prize Ribbon Banner *celebrate* strip & fold to create banner, glue on lolly.
5.  add feathers then lolly w/ banner.
6. Glue tag on elastic & wrap around box, bottle, tin, card, album, book...whatev!

I'll share more fun projects when I can take pictures!
have a creative day!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sparkin' today!

Finally feeling better....coughing is down to a minimum & my voice is back! whhooohhoo! Gettin' ready today: I get to SPARK with these lovely ladies

gettin' ready for the LIVE Webshow tomorrow night!...celebrating Summer. You do NOT want to miss it! So many FUN projects & ideas & inspiration...I"m just giddy!
& speaking of Summer...
I feel like Summer is just slipping away...we've had such a great one & now the countdown is on: 3 weeks until school starts! wow! and then, Creative Escape

We are so excited to be a part of it this year! House of 3 is hosting the Crop Room & we are going to have tons of FUN! Are you going? There are a few spots left & we'd LOVE to see you there! Go HERE for more info.

and THEN, Spark! We are so thrilled with the way it's turning out in the planning stages! The classes, mini classes & mini minis are going to be amazing! Not to mention our LIVE entertainment & speaker: Mindy Gledhill!  (there are still a few spots for this event, too! Check HERE.)

I am just so excited for both events...I feel so lucky to be involved with TWO of the most inspiring events this year...wow! So much to do, so little time!

Oh my! hang tight..it's going to kick into turbo before I know it...Christmas will be here! Have a great summer day for now!